  • 學位論文


Influence of Inclination Angles and Aging on Biomechanics during Slope Walking

指導教授 : 呂東武




Slope walking is an inevitable part of daily living, placing more challenges on the locomotor system than level walking does. Investigating kinematics, kinetics, intra- and inter-limb load sharing patterns of the locomotor system as well as the whole body dynamic balance control during slope walking may help in devising strategies for gait retraining and fall prevention in the elderly. The work was carried out by a series of studies on the 3D kinetics, intra- and inter-limb load sharing of the lower limbs, and dynamic balance during slope in the young and elder subjects. The results showed that the young subjects increased the anterior tilt of the pelvis and the trunk flexion during uphill walking but increased the posterior tilt of the pelvis during downhill walking. The modulated moments resulted in varied mechanical demands at the lower limb joints. Distinct intra- and inter-limb load-sharing strategies were found in level, uphill and downhill walking. However, greater anterior tilt of the pelvis but lesser trunk flexion were found in the elderly during slope walking. The kinematic configuration showed that the elderly adopted a conservative strategy to decrease the step length and thus maintain the body’s COM control in the sagittal plane. The elderly were found to perform different trend with increasing slope angles compared with the young, and showed a hip strategy to meet the increased demand during slope walking. Furthermore, the elderly were found to walk with greater excursions of boby’s center of mass if they walked at the same speed as the young adults did. It indicated that the elderly suffered greater risk of sagittal instability during slope walking.


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