  • 學位論文


Secessionist Movements and Peace Negotiations in the Southern Philippines:1968-2014

指導教授 : 高朗


菲律賓在馬可仕總統任內爆發分離運動,該國南部的穆斯林(莫洛人)欲脫離馬尼拉政府的統治,在其祖地上建立民族自決的伊斯蘭國家,至今分離運動仍未平息。本研究從歷史脈絡中找尋菲律賓穆斯林和基督徒宗教衝突之原因,並以Robert Putnam(1988)的「雙層賽局」(the logic of two-level games)作為研究架構,說明菲律賓南部分離運動爆發之關鍵、解釋為何菲律賓政府與莫洛分離運動組織間的和平談判難有共識,以及雙方達成的和平協議又為何無法順利履行,致使爭端未能解決。研究發現,菲律賓南部分離運動爆發關鍵原因在於,馬可仕總統和莫洛分離運動組織領袖皆為避免內部統治權力下降,因而採取衝突作為;馬可仕後的菲律賓總統雖然多有意願達成菲南和平,惟因菲律賓固有的歷史因素,以及馬可仕獨裁統治遺留的不良影響,菲律賓總統受到諸多國內因素限制,在優先鞏固己身權力維繫的前提下,難以提出或履行可讓莫洛人全體接受的解決方案,因此莫洛人仍不願放棄武裝獨立,導致菲律賓南部和平進程非常脆弱。


摩洛 回教 沙巴 蘇祿 利比亞 族群衝突 分離主義


Since the tenure of Ferdinand Marcos, the President of the Philippines, there has been secessionist movements in the southern part of the country where the Moros (Muslims) are self-determined and attempt to break away from the ruling Manila government in order to establish an Islamic state “Bangsamoro” in their ancestral lands. This thesis finds out the reasons of religious and ethnic conflicts between the Muslims and Christians in the Philippines. The study adopts “the logic of two-level games” by Robert Putnam (1988) as the research structure to explain the key reason for the outbreak of the secessionist movements and why the Philippines government and the leader of the secessionist movements could not reach a consensus in peace negotiation or carry out the mutually-agreed peace agreement. Therefore, the secessionist movements are yet to be resolved. The research found that the key reason for the outbreak of the secessionist movements is that both President Ferdinand Marcos and the leader of the secessionist movements opted for violent measures because of the fear that their internal governance power would decline. Despite the fact that most Philippines Presidents who succeeded Ferdinand Marcos wanted to achieve peace, the Philippines government faced many domestic limitations due to the historical factors of the Philippines and the negative effects brought by authoritarian rule. On the premise that power consolidation is a priority, it is difficult to propose or undertake solutions that are accepted by all the Moros. Therefore, the Moros still insist on being military independent, which, to a great extent, has slowed the peace process in the southern Philippines.


Benigno Aquino III Fidel Ramos Libya OIC Sabah Separatism Sulu


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Abuza, Zachary. 2003. Militant Islam in Southeast Asia : Crucible of Terror. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Abuza, Zachary. 2007a. “Mindanao Muddle.” The Wall Street Journal Asia November 5,17.


