  • 學位論文


Auto Exposure and White Balance

指導教授 : 傅楸善


自動曝光、自動白平衡、自動對焦在數位相機中是三個重要的元素。尤其在監控相機這方面的應用上,捕捉到的光強度是主要的資訊之一,因此自動曝光的調校會直接的影響到監控相機的影像品質。此外,如果需要色彩的資訊來做物體辨識時,自動白平衡也會是一項必須的程序。 在本篇論文中,我們提出了一個適用於監控相機的自動曝光與自動白平衡系統,我們將游啟昌的方法[1]整合在OmniVision 9710上,並加入了自動白平衡的處理,最後,我們也使用了游啟昌所提出的最佳曝光選擇方法對實驗結果做出評分。


Auto Exposure (AE), Auto White Balance (AWB), and Auto Focus (AF) are three important factors when we capture scenes by camera. Each of them can make noticeable influence on the quality of output images. In surveillance camera system, luminance is one of the major information, and AE is associated with the intensity of light directly. Furthermore, AWB is also a significant procedure if we need color feature to recognize objects. In this paper, a system of AE and AWB for surveillance camera is proposed. We integrate C. C. Yu’s method [1] with OmniVision 9710 sensor for surveillance, and we also add the procedure of AWB for better quality of output images. In addition, a selection method for well exposed pictures proposed by C. C. Yu is used for evaluation in our experiment.


[3] V. Chikane, “Automatic white balance for digital still camera,” Conference on Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing, Hualien, Taiwan, Aug. 2004.
[1] C. C. Yu, “Automatic Exposure with Fuzzy Control,” Master Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, 2004.
[2] Masaya Kinoshita, Kanagawa, “Imaging Apparatus and Flicker Reduction Method”, United States Patent 2005/0046704 Al, 2005.
[4] Overstock.com, “Logitech QuickCam Fusion 1.3MP Webcam,”http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/Logitech-QuickCam-Fusion-1.3MP-Webcam/2606245/product.html.

