  • 學位論文


Analysis of Pavement Monitoring Data at Chiang Kai-Shek International Airport

指導教授 : 周家蓓


道面監測分析係屬鋪面設計與管理方面新興之研究領域,我國以中正機場剛性鋪面版塊監測分析計畫首開風氣之先。本研究主要就該計畫之光纖感測器與鼻輪定位計資料進行分析:光纖感測器以量測接縫變化為主,鼻輪定位計則用以收集大量航機滑行定位資料;結合上述兩項儀器資料的探討,期望能對台灣氣候條件下所反應之接縫行為提供更詳盡、寫實的資料探究,並實際觀察、整理中正機場滑行道上航機滑行軌跡分佈以進一步提供長期重複載重之版塊疲勞分析之基礎,盼能突破僅參考國外設計準則之瓶頸,供未來機場道面設計本土化之參考。 藉由灌漿前後、養治期間接縫處光纖感測器資料收集,發現接縫寬度約灌漿二十天後開始明顯受氣溫變化影響,而鋸縫四天後向下開裂深度已達16公分,引致之裂縫寬度約為0.29公釐。季節性溫度變化造成接縫行為可分兩族群:高溫季節氣溫均溫高、日夜溫差小反應出接縫寬度平均值低、變化小;低溫季節氣溫低且溫差大,反應出接縫寬度大,變化幅度亦較大,每攝氏一度之長度變化率約為0.035公釐,受溫度變化影響所產生之應變量為5×10-6/℃。另外,以大氣溫度作為變數之接縫寬度預測模式,可分別有效預測低溫季節及高溫季節之情形;利用版塊自由狀態受溫度影響之接縫寬度減去實際發生之接縫寬度所得之差量作為束制應變量計算版塊束制應力,得到現地版塊最大水平向溫度張應力為9kg/cm2(128psi)(民國92年一月)、最大水平溫度壓應力為41kg/cm2(583psi)(民國91年九月);推估不同施工月份之溫度應力得到八月施工將產生最大張應力,故整體建議施工上應排除六至八月期間施工以避免較大之溫度張應力。 以FAMOS結合EXCEL程式分析鼻輪定位資料經驗證後得水平距離誤差約12公分左右;歸納大量航機之軌跡特性發現航機日間主要沿中心線前進,夜間主要沿中心線燈前進;而廣體航機主要行進軌跡較窄體航機稍微偏左亦較為分散;經整體分析後建議航機軌跡橫向交通量分佈可採用沿中心線無偏移、標準差為50.4公分之常態分配。


“Pavement Monitoring and Analysis for Chiang Kai-Shek International Airport ” is the first large-scale monitoring project on airport pavement in Taiwan, and it is a newly growing research area in the field of pavement management system. This paper mainly analyzes the monitoring data of optical fiber sensors and positioning gauges of nose gear in this project. Optical fiber sensors are primarily used to measure the joint movements of the instrumented slab, while positioning gauges are used to collect large amount of aircraft positioning data on the N1 taxiway at CKS Airport. Through the analysis, it is expected to research on the field joint movements under the weather condition and investigate the taxiing patterns on the taxiway at CKS airport to establish the basis for slab fatigue analysis of long-term repetitive loadings. Based on the observed data of optical fiber sensors, it is found that the joint movements are more significantly affected by air temperature than the hydration reaction around 20 days after pouring. Four days after saw cutting, the depth of induced crack is down to 16cm from the top and the width is approximately 0.29mm. Joint movements behavior affected by seasonal temperature change are clustered into two groups: cold seasons(Jan. to Mar., Oct. to Dec.)and hot seasons(Apr. to Sep.). The joint movements regarding temperature change is about 0.035mm per degree centigrade, and the strain due to temperature change is 5×10-6/℃. By utilizing the air temperature to the prediction models, joint movements are efficiently predicted both in low-temperature and high-temperature seasons. Restrained stress is calculated from restrained strain, which is by subtracting the measured joint movement from theoretical joint movement under free condition at different temperature changes. It is found that the maximum tensile and compressive horizontal thermal stresses might happen in Jan.(9kg/cm2, 128psi)and Sep.(41kg/cm2, 583psi), based on the field data, respectively. Further analysis found that maximum tensile horizontal thermal stress would occur in Jan. if pavement construction conducted in August. Therefore, it is concluded that avoidance of the pavement construction at hot season(Jun. to Aug.)would help reduce the probability of high tensile stress in cold season. By combining FAMOS and EXCEL program, the analyzing procedure of nose gear position is developed. After analyzing a large amount of aircraft taxiing data, it is found that aircrafts taxiing pattern follows the normal distribution with 50.4cm as standard deviation. However, compared with narrow-body aircraft, taxiing behavior of wide-body aircrafts is more diversified and slightly shifts to the left of centerline.


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