  • 學位論文


A Study on the Business Model & Competitive Strategy of Taiwan Semiconductor Intellectual Property Industry

指導教授 : 吳青松


論文摘要 本論文研究主題為”台灣半導體矽智財產業經營模式與競爭策略”,擬從邁可波特(Michael E. Porter)的產業競爭策略(Competitive Strategy)五力分析(Five Forces Framework)、產業價值鏈 (Value Chain),和關鍵成它]素(Key Success Factor)等構面分析台灣半導體矽智財產業,在複雜的產業競爭環境中,上自電子自動化設計(EDA, Electrical Design Automation),矽智慧財產設計(IP,Intellectual Property Design),客戶特用IC設計服務(ASIC Design Service),無晶圓廠IC設計(Fabless IC Design)、電路佈局(Layout), 下至晶圓代工(Wafer Foundry)以及封裝測試(Assembly & Testing)等半導體產業鏈,由於專業化的屬性, 形成專業分工(Disintegration)的經營型態,但在產業競爭的現實上,企業為追求持續成長,卻又盡可能進行上、下游之垂直整合(Vertical Integration),透過策略聯盟(Strategic Alliance)、授權(Licensing)、併購(Merge & Acquisition)等策略達到營運成長的目的。 本論文擬從產業的專業分工,既競爭又合作的競合關係(Copetition), 從矽智財(SIP)產業的經營模式和競爭策略中,分析其競爭優勢(Competitive Advantages)和關鍵成它]素(KSF),並以台灣半導體產業為例,以理論與實務驗證台灣頂尖的矽智財設計服務公司,探索其成左疑鶬鉿]素與最適合台灣矽智財產業的經營模式。 研究方式主要採取兩個方向進行,一為問巻調查,以邁可波特之產業競爭五力分析模型,評估矽智財產業,分別面對SIP產業內競爭者、供應商(EDA廠商、晶圓代工廠)、購買者(IC設計公司、系統公司)、替代品(FPGA、ASSP廠商)和新進入者等之間互相討價還價形成不同的競爭強度(Competition Intensity),並且以企業價值鏈(Value Chain) 設計深入訪談問卷,評估對象為台灣排名第一矽智財產業企業-智原科技股份有限公司。 研究結果顯示,台灣SIP產業企業規模不大,資本額大都在三億元台幣以下,可是廠商數目卻超過20家以上。由於競爭的關係,台灣產業競爭者存在著有大者恆大的趨勢,然而其依賴供應商-晶圓代工廠的依存度最大,需要與晶圓代工廠有更密切的合作關係。著眼於SIP產業人力資源有限,對與特殊或獨特的IP(Unique or Star IP) 採用取得授權(Licensing)或合作開發(Co-Development)的策略。 SIP設計服務與IC設計公司,在設計專業上有某種程度的重疊,SIP矽智財產業也必須避免與客戶相互競爭。 本論文結論為矽智財產業為了維持與各合作廠商之關係,持續不斷的成長,建議採取以ASIC與SoC設計服務為主,IP設計為輔,即加強開發SIP作為推展ASIC設計服務為本業,拓展與晶圓廠和系統廠商的合作關係,朝向系統應用導向(System Application Oriented) 為主的ASIC設計服務,積極加入SIP標準化平台組織和政府推動之IP MALL,透過合作、併購和策略聯盟,以壯大公司規模,提供全方位解決方案服務(Complete Solution Service),爭取全球知名客戶為目標。 關鍵詞: 矽智財產業、競爭策略、價值鏈、關鍵成它]素、專業分工、垂直整合、策略聯盟、競合關係、競爭優勢、五力分析、競爭強度、全方位解決方案。


This thesis is to discuss the Business Model and Competitive Strategy on Taiwan Semiconductor Intellectual Property Industry. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Framework of Industry Competition, Industrial Value Chain and the Key Success Factor (KSF) analysis methods are referred for the study. While investigating the complicated competition environment in Taiwan Semiconductor IP Industry, the competitors are inclusive of Electrical Design Automation (EDA) Tool Providers, SIP Design, ASIC Design & Service, Layout, Fabless IC Design, Wafer Foundry and Assembly & Testing. The “Disintegration Strategy” has become the trend for the expertise need in the industry chain; however, the companies are pursuing continuous growth throughout Vertical Integration by Strategic Alliance, Licensing, or Merge & Acquisition strategy. This thesis is to study the SIP industry business model and competitive strategy from the competition and cooperation (Copetition) among the SIP companies in Taiwan Semiconductor Industry, trying to analyze and figure out the competitive advantages and critical success factors of SIP companies. The scope is to focus on SIP industry in Taiwan. Two methods are referred to proceed the study, one is to survey industry by applying questionnaires, and the other one is to perform an in-depth interview to the company management of in SIP industry in Taiwan. The questionnaire is following Michael Porter’s Five Forces Framework to analyze the intensity of competition among suppliers (EDA Tool Providers and Wafer Foundry Houses), Buyers (Fabless IC Design & System Houses), Substitutes (FPGA & ASSP Providers) and New Entrants. On the other hand, the in-depth interview will be performed by the method of Value Chain to analyze the success case to the top one SIP Design Service Company in Taiwan -----Faraday Technology Corporation. The result of study reveals that most of SIP Companies in Taiwan are about small capital size as low as NT$300M, however, the company numbers are relatively as many as 20 and more. Due to the strong competition, the SIP companies in Taiwan tend to be the big one, becomes bigger and stronger. However, the SIP companies are lacking of bargaining power to the wafer foundry houses, therefore, the best strategy is to closely cooperate with them. For the limited design resources in SIP companies who tend to grasp the Unique or Star IP by licensing from IP providers to support the customers, Fabless IC Design Houses and System Houses, and not directly compete with them. The conclusion of this study is that the SIP companies should focus on ASIC & SoC Design Service as the major business and extend to strengthen the IP design capability to support the ASIC Design business, to maintain and develop the close relationship with both foundry house and system house to achieve the System Application Oriented design service strategy. To create the SIP add-on value, the SIP Companies should participate the SIP Plat-Form Based Design Association、 IP Mall and Strategic Alliance with IP Providers to enable the companies to support international customers by providing Turn Key & Complete Solutions. Keywords: SIP Industry、 Competitive Strategy、 Value Chain、 Key Success Factor、 Disintegration、 Vertical Integration、 Strategic Alliance、 Co-petition、 Competitive Advantages、 Five Force Framework、 Competition Intensity、 Turn Key Solutions.


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