  • 學位論文

群聚效應、創新能力與廠商績效 -以三大科學園區為例

Cluster Effect、Innovation and Firm's Performance -An Empirical Analysis of Science-Based Industrial Park

指導教授 : 朱文儀


群聚理論自過去經濟發展以來,便是許多學者探討的議題,特別是著重在群聚效應的出現原因及其所帶來的效益,如知識外溢、規模經濟及範疇經濟等。若從管理的角度出發,學者更希冀把這些研究轉為在治理公司時,可以繼續發展的議題。本研究便基於這樣的理由,探討群聚效應對於廠商創新能力及績效,是否有影響能力的存在。主要分析層面有四:第一,探討群聚效應是否對於廠商在創新能力上會有影響。第二,探討群聚效應與廠商績效的關係。第三,探討創新能力與廠商績效的關連性。最後,研究群聚績效與廠商績效的連動關係。 分析層面中的「群聚效應」、「創新能力」、「廠商績效」以及「群聚績效」,為本研究的四大變項。而分別以「是否位於群聚內」、「群聚密集度」、「研究發展費用」、「研究開發強度」、「研究發展費成長率」、「廠商營業額成長率」、「廠商每股盈餘」、「廠商資產報酬率」、「廠商銷貨報酬率」及「群聚出口成長率」作為衡量指標。 本研究以台灣所有上市上櫃高科技廠商作為研究樣本。以位於三大科學園區內共174筆廠商的財務報表作為群聚內廠商資料,而以其它位於園區外649家高科技廠商作為對照。以敘述性統計、t檢定、ANOVA及迴歸作為分析方法。 結果顯示,群聚內廠商的創新績指標雖高於群聚外廠商,但群聚密集度高者的廠商並沒有較佳的創新績效,因此群聚效應對於廠商創新能力有影響的假設僅能部分支持;由於影響廠商績效有眾多因素,故群聚效應對廠商績效的影響不若顯著。不過,本研究發現創新能力對廠商績效確實有顯著的關聯。最後,本研究亦無法以資料佐證廠商績效與群聚績效間的連動關係。


Industrial cluster theory is researched and studied by numerous scholars. These scholars, especially, focus on the reasons why the industrial cluster forms and the benefits that industrial cluster brings to. From the view of management, other scholars desire to use these studies to turn on corporation management. Based on these reasons above, this research wants to prove the relationship between cluster effect and firms’ innovation and performance. There are four issues will be discussed:First of all, does cluster effect affect firms’ innovation? Secondly, does cluster effect have relationship with firms’ performance? Thirdly, can the connections between firms’ innovation and performance be proof?Lastly, are there any correlation between firms’ performance and cluster’s performance? “Industrial Cluster Effect”、”Innovation”、”Firm Performance” and “Cluster Performance” are main variables would be studied. This research takes “If a firm locate in the cluster or not”、”Cluster Density”、”R&D Expenditure”、”R&D Intensity”、” R&D Expenditure Growth Rate”、” Sales Growth Rate”、”EPS”、”ROA”、”ROS”、 and” Export Growth Rate of Cluster” as measurable index. This research chooses three big science parks and the firms in the science park as research samples. Totally 174 firms’ financial report are collected as research data source. Besides, 649 high-techs firms outside the science park are also chosen as compared group. The results of this research showed up:Although the innovation of firms in cluster is higher than those outside the cluster, there is no evidence to support the firm with higher industrial cluster density can have better firm’s performance? Therefore, the hypothesis of ‘The Industrial Cluster Effect Affect Firms’ Innovation” is just partially supported. It is because there is many factors affect firms’ performance, industrial cluster effect may affect a little. And this research also found there are strong relationship between firms’ innovation and performance. Finally, this research cannot support that there is a correlation between firms’ performance and cluster’s performance.


Industrial Cluster Innovation


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