  • 學位論文


Comparative Study about the Conception of Cross-strait Relationship in the Textbooks of Grade 1-9 Social Learning Curriculum

指導教授 : 陳明通


台灣政府透過學校教育進行兩岸關係政治社會化之過程中,究竟將哪些兩岸關係相關概念傳遞予下一代的國民,是為本研究所欲探討的問題。 鑑於國中小義務教育為強迫教育,其意義不同於其他學習階段,因此本研究以九年一貫社會學習領域教科書中兩岸關係概念作為探討對象;研究範圍以南一、康軒和翰林等版本的六至九年級社會課本為主;至於研究方法主要採量化的內容分析法與質性的文本分析法,透過兩岸關係分析類目表的次數統計,以此呈現兩岸關係概念受重視的頻率與程度,並進而深究文本中所隱含的深層意涵。 本研究的研究發現有四: 一、九年一貫各版本兩岸關係概念的數量統計上,雖然國中階段的次數與分佈上都比國小階段來的多且一致,但國中不同年級所側重的兩岸關係概念有別,七年級討論到歷史、政治、外交、社會文化、軍事等類目,是論述兩岸關係概念最多的階段,至於八年級只有經貿類目,而九年級僅有外交類目。 二、九年一貫各版本兩岸關係概念的卡方檢定上,國小六年級階段的課綱未有基本內容之規範,因此各版本的數量相當不一致,且達統計上的顯著差異;而國中階段因有課綱基本內容的規範,所以各版本的數量較為一致,未達顯著差異。 三、九年一貫各版本兩岸關係概念的質性文本分析之一,在對照兩岸關係的實際發展情況後,發現各版本的文本內容多選擇不具爭議的重要歷史事件來進行論述,且多避談兩岸近年來的爭議事件,此情形多少是因各出版社在顧及審定委員可能存在的審查立場,所以編撰上較趨向保守。 四、九年一貫各版本兩岸關係概念的質性文本分析之二,在比較各版本的文本內容後,發現各出版社於兩岸關係概念上,其實多少潛藏著特定的政治認知,因此在內容上會呈現不同的論述差異,應與編撰人員的專業背景和各出版社的經營情況等因素有關。


The purpose of this study was to compare the conception of cross-strait relationship in the textbooks of grade 1-9 social learning curriculum. Three vision of social studies textbooks were examined in this study. Their publishers were: Nan Yi, Kang Hsuan, and Han Lin. Content analysis and text analysis were used as research methods, and the analysis categories were the frequency of cross-strait relations’ history, politics, economy, diplomacy, military, society and culture. After consulting “the content analysis categories of cross-strait relations issues of Grades 1-9 curriculum”, the researcher also compared and analyzed the text in each visions, and discussed their difference. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1. Overall distribution of cross-strait relations issuses in the Grades 1-9 curriculum, the junior is more consistent than the primary stage, and historical category is the most important category in the junior versions, followed by foreign category, political category, economic categories, social and cultural categories, and military category. 2.According to the chi-square results, there are some significant differences in primary textbooks between the three visions, but the junior textbooks aren’t. 3.Although there are some political controversy about cross-strait relations issuses, the publishers considering the reviewing system would rather ignore than discusss. 4. Because of the publishers’ different political attitudes, the three visions’ text of cross-strait relations issuses would have several difference. The conclusion includes advises and suggestions to editors of textbooks, teachers, and future studies in accordance to the results of this study.


