  • 學位論文

利基型產業之品牌策略 ----- 以工業通訊產業為例

Branding Strategy For Niche Market Industry --- A Case Study for Industrial Communication Industry

指導教授 : 湯明哲博士


中文摘要 在過去數十年台灣發展高科技產業的過程中,普遍存在了以下現象: 1. 在IT產業中追隨主流市場如PC、Notebook、Monitor、FPD、DRAM等。因為是主流市場,產品差異小競爭激烈,因而壓縮獲利空間,其毛利甚至多年來僅只剩個位數。 2. 由於台灣IT產業價值鏈完整,人力素質優秀而勤奮,再加上產業已達經濟規模,所以台灣代工業蓬勃發展,幾成顯學。我們有全球最大的電腦系統代工(鴻海)、筆記型電腦代工(廣達�仁寶)、手機代工(鴻海�富士康)、半導體代工(台積電�聯電)、面板代工(奇美電�友達)等等。 3. 因為代工產業盛行,相對於投入業務行銷、品牌塑造的努力就顯得相當薄弱,近年來雖有宏碁、宏達電、友訊、研華等廠商積極增加品牌投資,而且也略見成效,但台灣整體產業對品牌價值的認知與努力仍相當欠缺。 然而在某些利基型產業裡,其實仍存有相當大的獲利空間。競爭者不多,市場穩定成長,注重品質與服務,客戶認同價值而非一味殺價,是理想的『藍海策略』市場。以本研究所探討的工業通訊產業為例,即為此典型的利基型產業。在探討工業通訊產業的競爭策略過程裡發現,品牌策略對於利基型廠商來說是最重要的差異化基礎,其公司定位與發展策略實在應該以品牌策略做為藍圖。歸納結論如下: 1. 工業通訊產品在硬體規格及功能上,差異並不大,業者多已思考如何在軟體及專業服務上提供更多的附加價值。 2. 歐美廠商擅於打行銷戰,並且積極與自動化大廠結盟,鎖定大客戶強力銷售並主動參與產業標準制度,採取「Top Down Approach」,而台灣廠商格局則相對保守務實,採取「鄉村包圍城市」戰略,實踐長尾理論,標準的「Bottom up Approach」 3. 在工業通訊的利基市場中,還可再細分以垂直產業為目標的次利基市場,如電力市場、交通產業、石油與天然氣等等,有些業者在其中某一領域建立極佳之聲譽及累積更多產業知識(Domain Know-how)後再擴大其勝利基礎到其它的垂直產業。


In the past couple ten years, there were some phenomenon when Taiwan tried to develop its high tech industries: 1. In the main stream of IT industry, such as PC, notebook computer, flat panel display …… etc, the gross margin of those industries have been cut to single digit due to very limited product differentiation & severe price competition. 2. OEM/ODM & foundry business are the most popular business model in Taiwan due to Taiwan’s complete IT value chain, superior engineer quality & hardworking attitude. For example, the world largest electronics EMS Hon Hai/Foxconn, the world largest notebook PC OEM/ODM manufacturer Quanta, the world number one semiconductor foundry house TSMC …… etc. 3. Because of the success business model of OEM/ODM, Taiwan companies are showing less interest in brand value & did not invest a lot in building owned brand. However, there are still many niche markets which could be potentially very profitable. For example, the industrial communication industry is a typical niche market --- less competitors, steady growth, paying for quality & services, recognizing value more than just price. While I am doing the study of the competitive strategy of industrial communication industry, branding strategy is the most compelling differentiation foundation for company that focuses on niche market. To be effective & successful, the company’s positioning & development strategy should based on its branding strategy. In this research, I will compare 5 companies branding strategies. They are: 1. Hirschmann (Germany) 2. RuggedCom(Canada) 3. Advantech (Taiwan) 4. Digi International (US) 5. Moxa (Taiwan)


12. 許世楹著 台灣工業電腦產業個案研究 台大管理學院未出版碩士論文 民國93年
13. 吳宗寶著 工業電腦產業經營利基市場的競爭優勢之研究 台大管理學院未出版碩士論文 民國96年
2. Philip Kotler, “B2B Brand Management”. Springer Berlin, 2006
4. Carlos Pereira, Peter Neumann, “Industrial Communication Protocols“ Springer 2009
5. Richard Zurawski, “The Industrial Communication Technology Handbook” CRC Press 2005
