  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Industrial Personal Computer (IPC) Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 游張松


一般經營成左漸禶~都擁有一共通特色,那就是掌握核心產品技術或服務能力,輔之以突破性的觀念與開創性的作為。在現今全球競爭的環境中,品質、成本及交期永遠是市場競爭的遊戲規則,企業為求生存發展,除了要滿足顧客的需求之外,少不得要擁有別人不可替代的關鍵成平n素,而產生這些關鍵成平n素主要是來自持續的專精與創新。 展望未來,進入二十一世紀,是一個知識經濟的時代,創新價值的經營成效將益發凸顯,在未來國際競爭上,企業產品形象更加重要;人才的培育、研發能力的增進與品牌的建立都將是更大的挑戰。創新來自於個人或組織的經驗累積、分享以及有效的運用,對於個人和組織而言,創造和運用知識的技術,將成為未來企業競爭的關鍵。 在工業電腦產業研究中,產品差異化程度高,不同目標市場之產品成長度亦高,因此在工業電腦產業之競爭程度不像產業電腦那麼激烈。台灣工業電腦廠商在整個產業價值鍊的經營上,均設法加快轉型速度由系統元件、或系統等純硬體產品的供應商,蛻變為兼具部份解決方案提供者,以提高附加價值。 本研究主要在強調工業電腦產業為資訊電子產業中較特殊的利基產業,具有少量多樣,高毛利,競爭者多而分散的特質。惟有善用內外資源、建立核心技術、提供整線產品與服務來滿足客戶的需求、並鎖定客製化利基市場及全球化的發展策略,才能持續擁有核心競爭優勢,擴大市場佔有率。較大型的工業電腦廠商因具有資源,除了可進入較多國家的市場外,也能在大宗產品市場建立全球品牌。而規模較小的公司比較合適專注在利基市場上,建立利基品牌。有關本研究最後所提出的命題,歸納結論如下: 1. 系統整合將是國內工業電腦廠商未來必須發展的方向,最快的進 入市場策略就是與國外廠商策略聯盟,或共同合作ODM專案。 2. 欲即時滿足市場的需求,惟有積極佈建行銷通路,直接面對最終 消費者,才能適時了解需求趨勢,縮短產品推出的時程。 3. 中國大陸是未來最具潛力的市場,價格導向十分明顯,但台灣廠 商最具競爭優勢。




Most of successful businesses share some common qualities – having control of core technology and/or service of their products, plus breakthrough concept and creativity. Providing good quality, low cost, and fast delivery is the basic requirement in the global competitions nowadays. To ensure survival and growing, a business has to not only satisfy customers’ needs, but have unreplacable key factors of success, namely, continuous research and innovation. 21st century is the era of knowledge economy. The value of innovation and business image will play a more important role in global competition and business operations. Things like human resource education, R&D capability improvement, and brand name buildup will become more and more challenging. Innovation comes from the experience accumulation, sharing, and efficient employment of individual and/or organization. How well an individual and organization can create and utilize the power of knowledge will become the key factor of future business competitiveness. Unlike conventional PC industry, the study of IPC (Industrial Personal Computer) shows high growth in many different target markets due to highly diversified products and lower competition. But as more and more people join the industry, most of IPC manufacturers are looking for new positions in the value chain by migrating from pure board/hardware manufacturers to application-oriented solution providers. This study is targeting the niche market of IPC (Industrial Personal Computer) industry based on its unique characteristic of lower quantity, highly diversified, larger number of competitors, and higher gross margin. In order to maintain core competence and expand market share, IPC companies need to target customized niche markets and provide turnkey solutions. Larger size of IPC manufacturers has adequate resources to enter more countries and buildup brand names in the global market while smaller size companies are more flexible and better fit for customized niche markets.




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