  • 學位論文


The Strategy for Building-up the e-KM Framework in Enterprise



廿一世紀,知識是企業繼勞力與資本後之主要發展基礎與新競爭利器,知識不僅是價值、力量也是有形的商品。現今企業家在土地、資本和勞力方面投資逐漸朝「回收遞減(decreasing return)」法則方向運行,但在資訊與知識投資卻朝「回收遞增(increasing return)」方向前進,目前有許多知識產業上市公司,其市場價值數倍於總資產淨值就是最佳例證,因此知識管理成為國內外管理學界熱門話題,而企業界更焦注在:「如何管理知識,提昇獲利率,創造他人無可模仿的競爭優勢」。 企業電子化知識管理(electronically knowledge management,簡稱 e-KM)不僅要運用新、高資訊科技以擷取、匯編、儲存、散播、分享、使用及創造知識,過程更涉及企業組織文化及權力分配等議題,屬於層面既廣又複雜艱鉅的工程。目前各派學說如雨後春筍興起,卻莫衷一是,除了專業管理顧問公司,及IBM、Microsoft、Oracle等高科技資訊公司之外,一般企業對e-KM策略仍然朦朧不清。爰此,本研究從哲學省思、系統方法、理論探索為基,文獻分析為佐,並選擇兩家世界級第一大資訊廠商Oracle及Microsoft的台灣分公司,進行個案實証研究,將企業電子化知識管理相關議題及構面內涵透過分解、分析、比較、演釋、歸納、合併等方法,導出十項重要結論、三十七項關鍵因素並提出九項建議,供一般企業實施e-KM參考。 本研究指出,企業e-KM策略可分為:知識、知識管理、資訊科技、及時間規劃四個構面,而策略視野可概分為:微觀、中觀、宏觀三種層級,不同視野有不同核心系統,以對映小型、中型、及大型企業需求,其中以宏觀的全方位電子解決方案是企業e-KM最高境界。不管是那一種視野的企業e-KM策略,其型式都可分為:集中編碼式(centralize codification)、個人化編碼式(personal codification)、個人化(personalization)、及團隊等四種管理型式。前兩者屬顯性(explicit)知識管理,而後兩者為隱性(tacit)知識管理。不同性質企業對隱性知識與顯性知識需求差異很大,其e-KM策略可用知識─資訊平衡模型取得平衡點,再據以建構相關之資訊系統。


In the 21st century, knowledge has taken the place of labor and capital and become the development basis and a new competitive advantage of enterprises. It is not only a valuable force but also visible merchandise. Nowadays, when making investment in real estates, capital and labors, entrepreneurs tend to follow the rule of decreasing returns; while investing in information and knowledge, they tend to follow the rule of increasing returns. The best example is presented in the numerous knowledge-based listed companies whose market value is much higher than their net value. Therefore, knowledge management has become one of the central issues in the field of business administration. Businesses also focus on how to manage knowledge, increase profits and create inimitable competitive advantage. Enterprise electronically knowledge management (e-KM) uses new information technology to compile, store, disseminate, share, utilize and create knowledge with a wide-range process related to the organizational culture and power distribution of businesses. As different schools of theories rise, except professional consulting firms and leading IT companies, such as IBM, Microsoft and Oracle, general businesses are not familiar with e-KM strategies. In order to provide reference for general enterprises to implement e-KM, this research reached ten essential conclusions and thirty-seven key factors and proposed nine suggestions through philosophical thinking, systematical methods, theoretical exploration and documentary analysis as well as taking Oracle and Microsoft in Taiwan as the subjects of case studies. According to the results of this research, e-KM strategies comprise four dimensions, namely, knowledge, knowledge management, information technology and time planning. The e-KM strategies can be divided into three levels, namely, macro, mega and giga levels, which respond to the needs of small, medium and big companies respectively. The giga level, which focuses on electronically total solution system, is the highest level in e-KM. The e-KM strategies of each level include four types of management: centralized codification, personal codification, personalization and team organization. The first two types are classified as explicit knowledge management and the last two types as tacit knowledge management. There is a great divergence in the demand of explicit and tacit knowledge among enterprises. Based on the paradigm of knowledge-information balance model and obtain the equilibrium of their relationship can the strategy of e-KM moves forward to construct the related information system .


