  • 學位論文


Study on the Construction of Learning Organization by the Counselling Consultants

指導教授 : 牛涵錚


在全球化快速變革的環境中,卓越的企業必然要擁有快速應變創新的本能。掌握組織核心知識,持續團隊學習將能提升組織核心競爭能力也是二十一世紀組織不被淘汰的法則。 儘管企業走向「學習型組織」已成為時代潮流和趨勢,但是由於目前人們對於這種組織的發展和運作所獲經驗不多,較少典範案例報導。目前學習型組織的建構,並沒有一套大家可以共同依循的模式,故本研究主要研究目的有: (一) 分析相關文獻,了解學習型組織的意涵與理論。 (二) 探討學習型組織之構成要素與特徵。 (三) 歸納各學者專家對「企業建構學習型組織」研究,提出本研究之輔導架構、導入的方法、輔導的步驟以及改善效益。 (四) 根據研究結果提出結論與建議給輔導企業建構學習型組織的專家顧問。 為達上述之究目的,本研究採用文獻分析及個案研究法,將有關之學習型組織相關文獻作系統化之探討與整合分析,並針對在台營運之跨國際性的組織,推動學習型組織的五個個案作深入探討與訪談分析。根據資料分析結果,提出三項重要的研究結論: (一)『五項修練』是『學習型組織』的中心思想,培養同仁擁有『團隊核心學習能力』在組織啟動『成功關鍵循環』以持續進行『雙環路學習』是『學習型組織』運作的重要方法。 (二) 輔導企業建構『學習型組織』的6個系統架構與12項步驟程序。 (三)『學習型組織』為二十一世紀『組織發展』的趨勢,故本研究提出『學習型組織』的定義、導入『學習型組織』的要素、特徵與挑戰因素以及成功關鍵因素。並提出以『智慧資本』四大構面為『學習型組織』診斷、評量的方向等論述。 此外對本研究日後實務的應用,本研究也提出九項研究之實務意涵: (一)『學習型組織』是二十一世紀組織變革的必然發展。 (二)『學習型組織』是組織特有的競爭優勢不易被抄襲或取代。 (三)培養應變創新的企業文化是組織應有的能力。 (四)將導入『學習型組織』的變革化為無形。 (五)領導人是推動『學習型組織』的靈魂人物。 (六)把握『學習型組織』運作的中心思想與重要方法是導入的成功關鍵。 (七)依據研究論述提出建構『學習型組織』的6個系統,12項步驟程序,做為實務導入之參考。 (八)持續學習更多學習型組織的知識(學習如何學習)為持續學習之首要。 (九)『五項修練』是自我修練的好工具。 以及相關的未來研究建議作為後續研究之參考。


While the globalization fast reformation occupies the environment, the remarkable enterprise must have the fast reaction instinct for innovation inevitably. Mastering the organization core knowledge and continuing the team study will enhance the core competition capacity for organization, and it is also the rule that an organization won’t be eliminated in the 21st century. Although the enterprise moves toward “The learning organization”, and it has become the trend of the times and the tendency, but just because the present people lack the experience regarding the development and operation for this kind of organization, few model cases were reported. So far, there is not a standard form about constructing the learning organization can be followed for all people, so the main objective in this research can be induced as follows: (一)Analyzing the related literature, so as to understand the meaning and theory for learning organization. (二)To explore the components and characteristic for learning organization. (三)Inducing the research results for “Enterprise constructs the learning organization” from various scholars and experts, to submit the guidance framework, leading into method, guidance& assist steps, and improvement benefits in this research. (四)According to the findings to propose the conclusion and suggestion to those consultants who are guiding enterprise to construct learning organization . For the purpose of reaching the research objective mentioned above, this research adopts the literature analysis and the case methodology, to make a systematic investigation and integration for the relevant literature of the learning organization, and focus on the international organization Taiwan branch driving five cases of learning organization, to make a deeply investigation and interview analysis. According to the data analysis result, three important research conclusion are submitted as follows: (一)“Five studying items” is the core thought of “The learning organization”, it’s an important method that can cultivate the colleagues to possess “The core learning capability in a team”, and start “The success key circulation” in organization so as to keep on proceeding “The double circuit study”. (二)To guide & assist enterprise to construct 6 system framework and 12-step process for “The learning organization”. (三)“The learning organization” is the tendency of “organization development” in the 21st century, so the definition of “The learning organization” will be submitted in this research, and also the components, the characteristic, the challenging factors and the success key factors for leading into “The learning organization” will be submitted in this research. In the mean time, the statement that the four major aspects included in “The wisdom capital” are the direction of diagnosis and estimation for “The learning organization” will also be submitted in this research. In addition, for the future practice application, nine practice meanings are submitted in this research below: (一)“The learning organization” is the inevitably development of organization reformation in the 21st century. (二)“The learning organization” is the unique competitive advantage in organization, not easy to copy or substitute. (三)To cultivate the enterprise culture for innovation of reaction is the essential ability for an organization. (四)To make the reformation of leading into “The learning organization” become a invisible condition. (五)A leader is the key person of driving “The learning organization”. (六)To hold the core thought and important method for the operation is the success key of leading into “The learning organization”. (七)According to the research statement to submit 6 system and 12-step process for “The learning organization”, so as to be the reference of leading into the practice matter. (八)Continuing to learn more knowledge about learning organization (Learning how to learn) is the first priority for continuing to learn . (九)“Five studying items” is a good tool for training by ourselves. And the other mentioned relevant suggestion for future research will be the reference of the following research.


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