  • 學位論文

閱聽人觀看直播行為之分析:以 Facebook 直播為例

Analysis of Live Broadcast Audience Behavior: The Example of Facebook Live

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


隨著科技發展,在現今媒體轉型、資訊量爆炸的年代,直播平台之誕生,亦發展出其新興的商業模式與社會現象,然而直播平台種類繁多,人人都可以當直播主的年代,閱聽人觀看直播之目的為何?真正偏好之構面為何?同時越來越多之企業主透過直播置入行銷產品,又會如何影響閱聽人態度呢? 本研究透過觀察法了解五個 Facebook 上直播平台之經營方向與內容,從使用與滿足理論及心流理論切入,擬定訪談稿,更進一步運用深度訪談法,訪問八位觀看Facebook 直播之閱聽人,分別探討其觀看動機、目的與偏好,更進一步了解其對於企業主運用直播商業化置入行銷方式之看法。研究結果發現,內容趣味性、互動程度及真實性為閱聽人觀看直播之考量要件,且若未良好經營主題及包裝方式,閱聽人對於直播商業化置入易造成直播主之負面形象。


With the development of science and technology, media transformation and the explosion of information, live broadcast develop the new business model and social phenomenon. However, a wide range of live broadcast platform, everyone can be broadcaster in anytime everywhere. But, what is the purpose of watching live broadcast? What is the real preference of it? And at the same time, how does our attitudes be changed by more and more business owners bring the marketing products into live broadcast? This study uses the Observation method to understand the direction and content of the five live broadcasters. By applied the Uses and Gratification and the Flow theory to prepare my interview content. Then uses in-depth interview method to explore their motives, goals and preferences by interviewed eight audience of Facebook Live broadcast. Also understand their attitude of broadcaster who using placement marketing into the Live. The results of the study found that the content of fun, interaction and realism are the elements for the readers to watch the views of the broadcast. And if without a good theme and packaging of placement marketing, commercialization of live broadcast is easy to cause the negative image from the audience.


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