  • 學位論文


Product Redesign Using Taguchi Method, Fuzzy Theory, and TRIZ

指導教授 : 陳湘鳳


在這個多元化市場的時代市場的需求不斷的再改變,相較於研發一樣新產品,重新改良、設計一件現有的產品,將能夠有效的縮短設計的時間週期以及成本。有鑑於此,本研究將提出一套通用的產品重新設計方法,以田口法、模糊理論與TRIZ為基礎進行產品設計。市面上許多新產品雖然有新功能或新設計,但這些新東西大部分都能在其他產品上看到,因此,一個需要被重新設計之產品若是能延用其他產品的既有元件達到產品升級的效果,便能縮短不少設計時間。另外,設計方向的規劃是產品設計或改良時最重要的階段,當產品加入新功能時,通常會有一些不明顯的矛盾隱匿在產品當中,若無法即早發現矛盾將會浪費許多時間及資金。總和以上原因,本研究將以把原本功能不足之產品額外加入不同產品的元件達成產品升級效果為前提,把設計重點放在解決元件結合時產生的衝突,完成產品之重新設計。本研究中的重點工作有以下幾點: (1)找出不同產品元件結合時,產生矛盾衝突的元件。 (2)篩選出重要程度較高的元件,減少不必要的設計。 (3)使用TRIZ創新工具,消除元件之間組合時的矛盾現象,進而得到最佳元件組合,完成新產品的概念設計。 在產品設計初期,先將需要被重新設計的產品分解成數個元件,並使用模糊理論結合設計者與消費者對產品的意見,找出較重要的元件進行分析。為了能夠在設計初期就找出這些不明顯的矛盾,我們運用田口分析法的參數分析能力,找出存在交互作用的元件,並將產品之間的交互作用視為一種矛盾。有別於一般使用改變參數及修改參數階層的方法降低或消除交互作用的影響,我們使用TRIZ這個創新工具來消除這個被視為矛盾的交互作用。當矛盾被消除之後所有元件便可以合理的被組合在一起,完成一件新產品。論文最後以自行車結合健身車之功能做為研究範例,並完成兩個概念產品。


In industry, products often need to be redesigned, after they are on the market for some time, to adapt to new market trends. Compared with designing a new product from scratch, product redesign can reduce design cycle time and resources. The concept of product redesign is not extraordinary, but many prior studies only focus on particular products. A generic redesign method is needed. Additionally, product redesign often requires tackling problems related to improving the functions of a product. Introducing or adding new functions might cause some indistinct contradictions between the new and existing functions of the product. Often, such contradictions might not be found until the final design stage is reached. To find out contradictive information in short time and deal with the majority of products, we present a comprehensive redesign method using the Taguchi method, fuzzy theory, and TRIZ. The major assignments of this paper are described as follows. (1) Find the contradictive components between the new functions and existing functions. (2) Reduce the unnecessary design by selecting more important components. (3) Eliminate the contradictions between the contradictive components by TRIZ. In the initial stage of the product design, products which need to be redesigned need to be decomposed into several components first. Then, designers can evaluate the importance of each component by fuzzy theory, based on the designers’ and consumers’ opinions. Thus, the more important components can be found for further analysis. With the proposed approach, the Taguchi method is used to find contradictions after obtaining the more important components. Taguchi control factors are replaced by product components. In the past, designers eliminated or decreased interactions by eliminating interactive parameters or changing the levels of interactive parameters. With the developed approach, component interactions are regarded as contradictive information. After finding interactive components, rather than removing the interactive components, TRIZ is used to eliminate the contradictions by keeping and improving the existing functions of the interactive components. After eliminating all contradictions, a conceptual design solution is created for the new product. Finally, a bike redesign example is introduced to illustrate and support the validity of the developed product redesign method.


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王柏翔(2012)。結合TRIZ 理論與田口方法應用於NB電池模組之點焊技術—以銅鎳合金為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201200325
