  • 學位論文


Using TRIZ and OWAS Analysis to Improve Grease Control Gun Design

指導教授 : 陳以明


工程製造與組裝間常有許多品質問題發生,其中多數來自於不適用的輔助工具所導致,為能跳脫工程人員習的經驗法則或特別管理的手法來解決問題,本研究除導入TRIZ理論創新發明合適的輔助工具,俾有系統性提升品質穩定度外,並藉『OWAS』工作姿勢分析來改善輔助工具之使用,最後透過『自工程完結』驗證確認其效益。本研究就工程製造與組裝品質問題以案例公司主要生產的大型商用車常遭遇到市場抱怨的底軸培林燒毀問題為焦點,經深度訪查問題的成因為:黃油填充形狀與填充量不符合標準規範,其次是輔助工具適用性不佳 (作業員靠經驗判斷作業),以及過多黃油滴落與沾附於周圍零件,造成不必要的浪費 。 為了改善上述之底軸品質問題,首先運用TRIZ理論中的矛盾矩陣創新發明新工具,經過三次改善評估後提出『可控式黃油注入器』創新發明輔助工具;而且其材質為鐵氟龍,可控式黃油注入器上多餘的黃油可輕易刮除,利用此工具特性,將培林外側黃油填充作業整體流程作調整,減少移動距離,短縮作業工時。接著透過『OWAS』工作姿勢分析,了解作業員的作業姿是否有間接獲得改善,以及運用『自工程完結』,驗證確認作業者的製造品質信心程度是否提升。 結果發現,本研究創新輔助工具設計之可控式黃油注入器,對於培林外側黃油填充形狀與填充量皆符合規範需求,其作業移動距離與作業時間也獲得短縮,且黃油滴落現象大幅減少,工作姿勢的危害也獲得改善、同時製造品質信心程度有提升之現象,達到一個良好工作環境的建立。


Most of the problems in production and assembly process are caused by inappropriate tool. In order to escape the engineers’ experience rule of thumb or special managerial method, this study introduces TRIZ theory to invent and innovation auxiliary tool to solve the production problems and increase stability of quality. OWAS is also used to improve using auxiliary tool by analyzing worker posture, and confirm the improvement. This study work on axle bearing burn out, which is highly happened claim of huge commercial vehicle produced in our case company. Following the investigation result, we find that unqualified grease filling shape and volume are primary cause, and inappropriate tool(depend on worker’s experience) and grease overfilling are secondary cause. To improve the axle quality, we applied contradictive matrix, art of state new invention in TRIZ theory to invent new tool, after three to improve evaluation, 『grease control gun』 is invented. Grease sticking on the grease control gun can easily be removed due to the property of Teflon material, we can also lean the process, shorten moving distance in operation and save time. 『OWAS』 analyzed work’s posture to understand whether it has been improved or not, we also applied 『Defect-free process completion』 to confirm whether operator’s confidence on quality has been improved or not. The results show that this innovation grease control gun is proved to be able to improve quality in grease filling operation, shorten operating time and moving distance, solve grease dripping phenomenon, improve working posture, raise confidence level on quality and built up a better working environment.


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陳靜儀(2013)。應用萃智(TRIZ)與階段性品質機能展開於創新產品研發—以AiO(All in One)個人電腦開發為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2013.00023
