  • 學位論文

在務實與理想之間的金淳基: 從規範世界到對中國及韓國的認識

Between Practice and Ideal: From Kim, Samuel S.'s ideal world order to his China and Korea understanding.

指導教授 : 石之瑜


國際關係學界早從1960年代中期就開始討論中國崛起。隨著全球化的開展,北京如何在全球化當中扮演強權角色,亦是值得探索之議題。當北京對全球秩序的影響力日深,它如何揮執其權力之柄將成為國際關係重要的議題。又朝鮮半島局勢深刻影響著東北亞安全以及華府、北京、莫斯科等大國之互動及世界秩序。在探索此領域中的學者當中,金淳基或許稱得上是最特殊的一人。 本文嘗試以金淳基特殊背景,進而觀察此背景對於金氏之「研究標的」選擇、「研究內容」以及「研究興趣」間之關係,進而解釋金氏的三種身分─船民、學者、知識份子。簡而言之,金淳基的研究標的、研究內容與興趣與其三種身份乃相互呼應,而三種身分又為金氏在不同時期進出卻又彼此共存,進而行成金淳基對於中韓外交政策研究與規範理論間的特出觀點。


金淳基 中國外交政策 北韓


The International Relations scholarship has discussed the rise of China since 1960s. How China plays the superpower role in a globalization time is also the important issue. With the increase of China’s influence on world order, the issue mentioned above will be more important. Meanwhile The security of South East Asia, the interactions between Washington, Beijing and Moscow, and the world order issue has to been influenced by the situations and events in Korean Peninsula. In those who devoted to this aspect, Samuel Kim might be the most special one. This paper aims at exploring Samuel Kim’s special background and its relationship of his research subjects, the content of research, and his researching purposes. We propose three dimensions of Kim’s identity to explain the varied subjects and methodologies he’s followed: the boatpeople, the scholar, and the intellectual. The Three dimensions come in Kim’s life in different time, and embody his life path to both academic world and life choices.


Kim Samuel S China Foreign Policy North Korea


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