  • 學位論文


Investigation of City Microclimate and Hydrology on Firefly Habitat Selection - Yong-Jian Ecological Park at Muzha.

指導教授 : 張文亮


生態都市近年來為一新興的領域,如何在都市中營造易親近的自然環境是發展生態都市上核心的價值之一,近年來也逐漸受到重視,在都市中營造良好的自然環境也可以穩定當地的生態系統。 螢火蟲在食物網中扮演重要角色,亦為評估生態系統健康的可靠指標物種。該生物為社會高度重視,可提高大眾對於自然保護的觀念。本研究地點為台北市文山區永建生態園區,進行下列現地調查,包括生物調查:穿越線調查法(Line transect methods);微氣候調查:相對濕度、最高溫與最低溫;水質調查:水溫、導電度、溶氧、pH與氨氮;環境因子調查:園區內水域面積、與森林距離。本研究以黃緣螢以及紅胸黑翅螢為例,使用複回歸分析探討營造螢火蟲棲地之關鍵因子,發現與森林距離、相對濕度與當地最高溫為關鍵因子。其中,兩種螢火蟲隻數跟與森林距離呈現負相關,而紅胸黑翅螢隻數跟相對濕度與當地最高溫呈正相關。由調查結果經選擇性比例分析得知兩種螢火蟲皆偏愛人工生態草溝與天然濕地兩種環境。根據本研究發現黃緣螢以及紅胸黑翅螢所棲息之環境特性,可作為日後棲地營造之參考。


Recently, the Eco-city is an innovative idea and rising field. The core value of eco-city is how to merge the development of natural environment and urban areas. As the result, successfully for pulling the natural environment design into urban areas could be advantages to maintain the stability of eco-system. A firefly plays an important role in food webs and is a reliable indicator of ecosystem health. The species receives great attention in human society and, therefore, increase public awareness of environmental issues. This study was conducted through field investigation to understand the connection between the fireflies and environmental factors. Thirteen sampling sites were located at Yong-Jian Ecological Park, Taipei City. Field surveys were used to collect following data: firefly species richness (Line transect methods), relative humidity (RH), maximum air temperature, minimum air temperature, water surface area, distance between a sampling site and a nearest forest (DSF). The relationship between firefly species richness (Aquatica ficta and Luciola kagiana) and the environmental factors were tested through multiple regression analysis. The results showed that richness of the both species has a negative correlation with DSF. Additionally, number of Luciola kagiana is positively correlated with RH. Constructed grassed swales and natural wetlands were the two ideal habitat types identified in this research. The habitat preference of Aquatica ficta and Luciola kagiana were investigated in this research, and the results of forage ratio could provide suggestions for firefly habitat creation.


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