  • 學位論文


The Comparison of Medical Resources Utilization before and after Intervention of Tw-DRGs: An example of Orthopedics epartment of a Northern Regional Teaching Hospital

指導教授 : 蘇喜


前言 全民健康保險自民國84年開辦以來,至民國87年開始每年持續呈現虧損狀態,因此如何達到收支平衡,一直是學者研究的議題。於是全民健康保險署陸續推動各項支付制度,其目的都是為了藉由有效管理監控機制,確保總額支付制度的實施成效,進而降低醫療費用成長。美國於1983年正式採行疾病診斷關聯群支付方式(Diagnosis Related Groups,DRGs),其支付制度也被世界多國相繼採用。因此全民健保署決定於民國99年開始實施Tw-DRGs支付制度,以期能抑制醫療費用之成長。 目的 本研究其主要目的為探討Tw-DRGs實施前後兩年間骨科案例醫療資源耗用之比較。包括住院天數、總住院醫療費用與十七項住院醫療費用細項,同時也檢視申報差額等增減變化情形。希望能藉此了解在支付制度改變下是否會影響醫療資源耗用之情形。 方法 本研究進行地點為北區某區域教學醫院,資料樣本取自民國97年1月1日至民國100年12月31日止之健保住院申報檔資料,將從民國97年1月1日至民國12月31日止,即Tw-DRGs實施前兩年期間,骨科採取「論病例計酬」申報之案件,與從民國99年1月1日至民國100年12月31日止,實施Tw-DRGs後兩年期間,和「論病例計酬」所對應之組別予以選取,再將其醫療資源耗用情形予以分析統計。另再選取在Tw-DRGs實施前後均未納入「論病例計酬」或Tw-DRGs的案例,其ICD-9CM之診斷碼為720至724間,同時有施行脊椎手術案件當作對照組。 結果 在「全股關節置換術(20903)」的個案中,在年齡比較分析中即有明顯差異。 在「股骨幹、股骨頸閉鎖性骨折開放性復位術無主要合併症或併發症(21102)」的個案中,住院天數、診察費、病房費與藥事服務費均有明顯降低,申報差額則有明顯增加。在「肱骨、脛腓骨閉鎖性骨折開放性復位術無主要合併症或併發症(21904)」的個案中,住院天數與血液血漿費均有明顯降低,放射線診療費與申報差額則有有明顯增加。在「橈骨、尺骨閉鎖性骨折開放性復位術無主要合併症或併發症(22404)」的個案中,診察費、檢查費、放射線診療費、治療處置費、麻醉費、特殊材料費、藥費、藥事服務費、總住院醫療費用、申報差額有明顯增加外。在「跗骨、鏣骨、趾骨閉鎖性骨折開放性復位術無主要合併症或併發症(22504)」的個案中,除了放射線診療費有明顯增加外,其餘均無明顯差異。在「腕骨、掌骨、指骨閉鎖性骨折開放性復位術無主要合併症或併發症(22902)」的個案中,除了申報差額有明顯增加外,其餘均無明顯差異。而在Tw-DRGs實施前後均未納入論病例計酬或Tw-DRGs之脊椎手術案件,在實施前後所耗費的醫療資源上,均無明顯差異。 結論 根據研究結果得知,在Tw-DRGs實施前後均未納入論病例計酬或Tw-DRGs之案件,在實施前後的醫療資源耗用均無明顯差異;而在Tw-DRGs實施前屬於論病例計酬支付制度,實施後屬於Tw-DRGs之案件,所產生的醫療資源耗用情形均無明顯異常,若有異常則大部分因住院天數減少所導致之差異,也因此會使申報差額明顯增加。由此可知,透過監控機制,的確可將醫療成本有效降低


Introduction Since National Health Insurance of Taiwan was implemented in 1995, we were always finding the best solution to keep the finance balance. Although the Bureau of National Health Insurance implemented a lot of payment systems which purpose was to decrease the medical expenditures. In 1983, US government implemented the payment system of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) which has been adopted by many countries in the world. So, the Bureau of National Health Insurance decided to implement Tw-DRGs payment system in 2010 to suppress the continuous growth of the medical expenditures. Purpose The purpose of this study is to compare the medical resources utilization of orthopedic department before and after intervention of Tw-DRGs. We want to understand whether the medical resource utilization changes after the implementation of Tw-DRGs payment system. Materials and Methods A northern regional teaching hospital was selected and the study was held in the orthopedic department. The admission claim data by "case payment" was collected from January 1, 2008 to December 31 2009 and the admission claim data by "Tw-DRGs" was collected from January 1, 2010 to December 31 2011. The medical resource utilization was analyzed including length of stay, medical detailed cost, and the discrepancy between actual medical cost and claim cost. The cases of spinal surgery (ICD-9CM Code: 720 to 724)which were neither in the case payment group nor in the Tw-DRGs group were also collected for control group. Results In almost all groups, the discrepancy between actual medical cost and claim cost increased with significant difference. The length of stay decreased with significant difference in two groups. The radiologic cost increased with significant difference in four groups. In the control group, the medical resource utilization was not significantly different before and after the implementation of Tw-DRGs. Conclusions The medical resource utilization in the orthopedic department was not significantly different in both groups. But the discrepancy between actual medical cost and claim cost increased in almost all the groups mainly due to decreasing of length of stay. So, the medical expenditure will decrease under the surveillance mechanism.


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