  • 學位論文


The Impact of Company’s Intimacy Level on Safety Perception and Environmental Preference

指導教授 : 鄭佳昆


景觀環境偏好是一種對於人與景觀遊憩環境整合性的研究,透過偏好與地點選擇能夠瞭解人對於環境的感受及前往意願,皆能有效運用於環境的經營。人類對於環境的偏好曾以多種角度進行探討,而相關討論內容以「安全性」來做討論切入點的研究不在少數。演化理論認為偏好出自求生本能,透過選擇具有安全性的景觀,有機會能提高生存率;遊伴的議題則提出是否願意前往遊憩地點將與地點之安全性有關,且此地點安全性為現代人選擇結伴旅遊的主要原因之一。 關於遊伴的影響力,Warr於2000年討論個人對於環境的恐懼感就曾提出疑問,好奇同伴或在我們身邊出現的人是否可能影響、又如何影響我們個人的環境知覺;Staats和Hartig 在2004年的研究則為此提出一部分的解答,發現遊伴的陪同可以提高個人在自然環境步行時的安全感,同時,有無同伴也會對於自然與城市環境有不同的偏好,但本研究並不認為所有遊伴都能提升安全感。 據親密關係理論,親密關係可以為關係人提供安全感與照顧,而親密關係也會依據親密程度有不同類型,不同的關係組成所提供的安全感及照顧功能不盡相同,且過去實驗發現親密關係品質愈高時,減緩自身面對威脅時的不適效果會愈好。有鑑於此,本研究認為不同親密程度的遊伴,應會對於個人的環境安全知覺有不同程度之作用,進而產生環境偏好之差異。本研究以網路問卷的形式配合自然景觀照片進行環境安全感與偏好之測量,分別檢測遊伴的親密程度與遊伴照顧程度是否影響受測者對照片中該景觀環境之安全知覺及景觀偏好。 研究結果發現,有他人陪同出遊確實可以提升個人對景觀環境之安全感,此部分與Staats和Hartig (2004)之研究結果相同,而本研究更進一步發現,當個人與遊伴的關係愈親密其環境安全感會愈高,進而提升對景觀之偏好。然並非所有遊伴皆能提升安全感,個人對環境之安全感會因為與遊伴所建立的相對照顧立場不同而有所差異,被照顧的程度愈高對景觀之安全感會愈高,但照顧他人的程度愈高,反而會對環境產生不安。本研究結果可做為日後景觀環境偏好與景點選擇之相關研究參考,考量是否將是否有遊伴陪同及與遊伴的親密程度做為考量因子,以建立研究之完整性。


The preference of landscape is an integration study of human and landscape environment which is used to understand the feelings and willingness to visit a site. The issues of landscape preference were studied in a variety of perspectives. Evolutionary theory, for example, had a point that preference is from the survival instinct of human beings. By selecting a site with much higher security to live or stay, much more opportunity can be held to improve survival. The issues of tour companion also raised about the safety topic. Staats and Hartig (2004) found that the one who’s accompanied by friends will have different consciousness which is safety on the environment which becomes an important consideration of the preference and willingness to the site. However, the companion we choose to go with is not always the same relation as last time or before. There are many kinds companion due to the extent of intimacy. Intimate relationship theory makes a point that this kind of interpersonal relationship provides some functions like safety, care, and others. Not every relationship, however, has same outcomes on these functions. It was found by Coan, Schaefer, and Davidson (2006) that intimate relationship has the effect of mitigating the discomfort when we encounter a threat, and the results showed that this comfort effect with intimate partner was much better than with stranger. For this reason, this study proposed that the intimacy of the relationship may play a role in the safety perception of the landscape environment, and brings about the differences of preference. The results found that when subject is accompanied, the preference and the safety perception to the landscape is different from the state which is being alone. While the relation between the subject and his companion is much more intimate, the consciousness of safety of the subject becomes higher, and this changes the preference to the site which is also be promoted. Though, not every companion can raise our feeling of safety and preference to the landscape. It depends on the character who is being a care giver, like a mother, and who is being a care receiver, like a child. The safety to the landscape of a care giver would be cut down due to his travel partner which is relatively the care receiver one. And this result also reflects on the preference to a landscape. The results of this study indicate the importance of a companion to us, especially with a distinct intimacy. In addition, the position of care or be cared also make the perception and preference change. This study can be used as future landscape preferences and site selecting research which may consider the impact of tour companion and the relation between them to strengthen research integrity.


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