  • 學位論文


The Effects of Nursing's Personality Traits and Social Capital on Patient‐Perceived Quality of Care

指導教授 : 陳端容


研究背景: 護理人力短缺的問題近期受到各界的普遍關注與討論,以及工作壓力為各醫療機構普遍存在的問題,而工作壓力會降低醫療人員提供的照護品質,綜合上述原因,護理人員提供的醫療照護品質難免會受到影響,此外,病患知覺的照護品質對於病患對醫療機構的信任、滿意以及再度向該醫療機構尋求服務的意願會有所影響,因此,瞭解病患知覺的照護品質的前因,有助於協助醫療機構提升其所提供的照護品質的水準。 研究目的: 本研究的目的為探討護理人員的人格特質是否會影響病患知覺的照護品質,以及護理人員的人格特質是否會影響其所擁有的社會資本,進而間接影響病患知覺的照護品質。 研究方法: 本研究採用橫斷面研究設計及問卷調查法收集資料,由於護理人員在健康照護專業人力上為關鍵的角色,因此,本研究將調查護理人員。研究設計方面,樣本來自台灣兩家醫學中心內科住院病房,以一名護理人員與一名病患的配對為一組研究樣本,兩家醫院分別回收113組與53組配對樣本,總計回收166組配對樣本,有效回收率為83.0%。資料回收與清理後,本研究採用確認性因素分析,檢驗本研究使用量表之信效度,以及採用結構方程模式驗證與修正本研究提出之理論模型。此外,本研究更進一步採用迴歸分析,檢驗護理人員人格特質與護理人員社會資本是如何分別影響病患知覺的照護品質,以及人格特質與社會資本個別構面之相關性。 研究結果: 雖然依據結構方程模式分析的結果,本研究提出之護理人員社會資本為護理人員人格特質影響病患知覺之照護品質的中介因子的模型假設未獲支持。然而,本研究進一步採用迴歸分析檢驗護理人員人格特質與護理人員社會資本是如何分別影響病患知覺的照護品質。結果顯示,在控制了護理人員人口學特質後,護理人員的人格特質以及社會資本並不為影響病患知覺的照護品質之相關因素。然而,本研究進一步發現,在控制了護理人員人口學特質後,護理人員人格特質中的情緒穩定性為影響水平型社會資本之相關因素;護理人員人格特質中的開放性、外向性為影響垂直向上型社會資本之相關因素,以及區分為兩家醫院進行的迴歸分析檢驗的結果同樣顯示,在控制了護理人員人口學特質後,護理人員人格特質是影響其社會資本之相關因素。


Background: The shortage of nurses has reached the status of a critical international issue. Additionally, work stress is common among all healthcare system, which may hinder the quality of healthcare providers. Above all, the care quality of nurses may be influenced and should be concerned. Moreover, patient-perceived care quality is associated with patient intention to revisit a certain hospital when seeking health care, warranting an investigation of how to enhance patient-perceived care quality. Purpose: The present study thus examined whether nursing's personality traits influences patient-perceived quality of care as well as the social capital among the nurses. Additionally, we may examine that social capital plays a mediating role in the relationship of nursing's personality traits influences patient-perceived quality of care. Methods: A cross-sectional design and survey method were adopted. The data analysis was based on 300 nurse-patient sets drawn from two medical centre. The reliability and validity of instruments used in this study were evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the modeling. Results: Although the results of SEM indicate that social capital among nursing is not a mediator between nursing's personality traits and patient‐perceived quality of care. In addition, the present study conducts regression analysis to test how nursing's personality traits and social capital among nursing influence patient‐perceived quality of care individualy. The results indicate that nursing's personality traits and social capital among nursing are both not the factors among patient‐perceived quality of care. However, the present study demonstrates that a few nursing's personality traits (e.g. conscientiousness, extraversion, and emotional stability) have a significant association between social capital among nursing.


鄧景宜、曾旭民、李怡禎、游朝舜(2011)。”International English Big-Five Mini-Markers”之繁體中文版量表發展。管理學報,28(6),579-600。
