  • 學位論文


Hegemonic Struggle between Neoliberalism and China Factors: Analysis of Policy Discourse and Policy Change in News Reports of Tsinghua Unigroup's Acquisition

指導教授 : 張錦華


本文藉由「紫光收購爭議案」分析正、反兩方的政策論述,探究文化霸權(cultural hegemony)之建構與抗爭,企圖了解對立論述如何在極短時間內成功達成政策變遷之目的。   首先分析四大報相關新聞文本的數量趨勢、報社立場與消息來源立場,以掌握不同權力位置發聲者的論點;其次,藉由框架分析與深度訪談建立四種主要論述框架,探討正反雙方針對經濟面的新自由主義霸權,以及政治面的中國因素,如何進行文化霸權抗爭,以及如何透過構連社會事實、解構主流霸權的動態爭霸過程,爭取政策論述的詮釋主控權,逐步建立新的論述霸權地位;最後討論政策論述能力與情境脈絡關係,探究特定論述能夠脫穎而出取得主導地位,並成功促成政策變遷的關鍵因素。


This study first analyzes the news reports of Tsinghua Unigroup’s Acquisition through content analysis, and finds out that informants in different “position” reflect different perspectives. Another focus of this paper is to construct four main cultural hegemonies of policy discourse by frame analysis. The result shows that policy change is due to the interactive effects of three forces: deconstruction, construction and strengthened original structure. Finally, the analysis of the “discourse ability” points out that competitive discourse are embedded in social structure with dominant position of discoursers in policy networks which successfully leads to policy change.


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