  • 學位論文


Protection of Personal Privacy under the Freedom of Government Information Law

指導教授 : 林明昕


本文旨在探討政府資訊公開法對於個人隱私之保障。政府資訊公開法制是當代民主社會的重要典章,攸關人民知的權利與民主政治之健全發展。另一方面,資訊公開不免與個人隱私有所衝突,而且隱私資訊一旦公開即無法回復原狀。從而,資訊公開法制應如何兼顧個人隱私之保障,實屬重要課題。 本文之研究重點分為三個部分:第一部分是「利益衡量」,資訊公開可能侵害個人隱私之情況,是否公開應取決於利益衡量之結論,亦即「公共利益」與「隱私利益」孰輕孰重的問題。第二部分是「程序保障」,有鑑於隱私侵害之不可回復性,政府機關作成公開資訊之決定前,應提供事前之程序保障,以降低終局決定可能之隱私風險。第三部分是「公開方式之保障」,在當事機關作成公開資訊之終局決定後,系爭公開決定之執行方式上,仍應對個人隱私提供保障。 結論而言,本文之研究發現如下:一、關於「利益衡量」之部分,涉及資公法第18條第1項第6款之操作,應採取三階段的審查模式。二、關於「程序保障」之部分,首先應強化「參與性」程序保障,使當事人能夠有效參與資訊公開之決策過程,同時亦應建立「課責性」程序保障,要求政府機關採取降低隱私風險之積極保護措施。三、關於「公開方式之保障」之部分,去識別化作為目前常見的作法,雖非全然無懈可擊,但仍是目前具可行性之方法。為了補正去識別化方法之缺陷,應同時採取其他技術性與程序性之適當措施。


The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the protection of personal privacy under the Freedom of Government Information Law. The Freedom of Government Information Law is understood to be fundamental in a modern democracy, which is essential to the fulfilment of the right to know and has a significant impact in the quality of democracy. Nevertheless, the disclosure of government information might conflict with personal privacy, and what is more, once the privacy information has been made available to the public, it is impossible to be restored to the status quo ante. Thus, it is important to think up a method to protect privacy under The Freedom of Government Information Law. This thesis is divided into three parts. First, whenever the disclosure of government information would constitute an invasion of personal privacy, it is necessary to weigh personal privacy against public interest of the disclosure. In other words, the challenge is to decide whether public interest could prevail over personal privacy or not. Second, the implementation of procedural protection is of vital importance, including “participative procedural protection” and “accountable procedural protection”. Third, it is necessary to protect personal privacy by the way making available to public, that is to say, even the government agency has already decided to make information available to public, however, it still has need to protect privacy by the way making available to public such as de-identification. There are several findings in this thesis. First, with regard to the balancing between personal privacy and public interest, it is important to adopt a three-stage model. Second, the implementation of procedural protection is of vital importance, including “participative procedural protection”, which makes individuals able to participate in the process of decision-making, and also including “accountable procedural protection”, which means the government agency should implement appropriate procedural measures to mitigate privacy risk. Third, de-identification is a common measure for privacy protection, although it is not so perfect, however, it’s still a practicable measure to date. As a result, another measure which is technical or procedural should also be took in addition to de-identification.


(一) 一般書籍
