  • 學位論文


Is International influence guilty of Myanmar’s instability?

指導教授 : Bohumil Doboš




緬甸 外部干預 內部衝突


The aim of this thesis is to unveil whether or not the fault of Myanmar’s instability falls onto the shoulders of international influence or rather onto inside factors. For that we explored the historical background of the country, where we discovered that the most harmful situation had been the British Colonial period and the harm their scorched earth tactics did to the country’s economy when the Second World War was ongoing. Then we investigated the external factors based on the most cited actors from the international arena in the historical background: The US, China, India, Europe and ASEAN and we discovered that the main destabilizing agent was China, who did have no ethical impediment in keeping investing and selling arms to Myanmar independently of their human rights record. Furthermore, we studied the inner factors, picking them up from the most cited in the historical background department: The Military, Ethnic Insurgencies and Buddhism and we concluded that the key factor chaining the ecosystem was the military. In conclusion it is not exactly the fault of the international arena the destabilization of Myanmar but it is a complementary ecosystem that sustains both the interests of China and the military.


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