  • 學位論文


The Study on the Constitutional Necessity and Limits of Anti-Genetic Employment Discrimination Law

指導教授 : 蔡宗珍教授


本文擬對近年在各國職場中出現之新興職場基因歧視問題,從憲法層面開始至法律層面,作一初步之全面立法問題探討,包括:我們在日常有關職場歧視之新聞報導或生活中,所耳熟能詳,規定在「就業服務法」或「性別工作平等法」中之「工作平等權」究竟是哪一種層次之權利,是僅只是一種立法者基於憲法上「增進公益」之形成自由所訂定之社會立法,還是如同國內過去相關探討職場基因歧視問題之文獻所認為般,係有其源自於憲法對工作者個人「工作權」、「平等權」、「人性尊嚴」等權益之保障基礎?立法者在憲法上,究竟有無介入私領域職場基因歧視問題立法規範之憲法義務?本文在進行相關憲法層次之探討後認為,與大眾或法律人一般日常生活中之直覺或法感情不同,憲法上之「工作權」、「平等權」,或「人性尊嚴」規範基礎,可能都無法導出立法者對工作者所面臨之職場歧視問題有介入立法之保護義務,因此立法者針對職場基因歧視加以立法限制之保護義務基礎可能有他求之必要,而本文認為憲法第二十二條可能可以承擔起發展此一對工作者新興憲法基本權利之保障功能! 若從法律層面而言,我國目前之現行職場平等法規,包括:「就業服務法」、「身心障礙者權益保障法」,或是「性別工作平等法」,都無法以其現行規定涵蓋或承擔起對帶因工作者之應有保護。在相關勞動法規部分,規定最低勞動條件標準之「勞動基準法」亦復如此!惟鑑於我國「勞工安全衛生法」第十二條規定勞工有接受雇主進行「體格檢查」以及「定期健康檢查」之義務,包括相關法規所規定之各項檢查項目,且此項健檢慣行係我國職場普遍之慣行與要求,係廣大工作者,而不限於勞工才會面對到此一問題!故,基於相關檢查中之血液檢查項目有如實際發生在美國職場中之案例,可能會發生曝露工作者個人基因隱私之弊端,因此,提供工作者隱私保護外之反職場基因歧視保護在我國目前之職場法制環境下即係刻不容緩之問題! 有鑑於近年世界各國已紛紛針對職場基因歧視問題立法,加上不論是聯合國教科文組織所通過的「世界人類基因組暨人權宣言(Universal Declaration on Human Genome and Human Rights)」,或是「歐洲理事會(Council of Europe)」所通過的「人權與生物醫學公約(Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine)」都明確宣示對基因歧視問題之關懷,若再加上「國際勞工組織(International Labor Organization,ILO)」,在其推動之「核心國際勞動基準(core international labor standards)」,更是將職場歧視之禁止列入四項具有普世價值之基本勞動人權中之潮流觀之,過去我國探討職場基因歧視問題文獻中所提到之「立法時機」過早之看法,可能不無值得再重新加以檢視之處! 本文認為既然中產階級與民主制度發展能夠穩固間,有著唇齒相依之密切關係,那麼提供身為中產階級之廣大工作者人口適當之憲法保護基礎,使其得以確保其相關自由權益有不受雇主不當歧視侵害之揮灑自由,不啻是對民主憲政發展與社會健全有益且十分有正當基礎而值得加以思考之問題!如果能在憲法上確立起這樣一種基礎,則不但一方面可以呼應國際人權保障之潮流,二來亦能真正確立工作者個人能揮灑其「職業自由」原即應享有之一片天空!職場中的反歧視工作在新的時期,或許會有不同的新意義與考驗,但其核心意義始終在於致力建立一個更平等而容許個人自由充分發揮己身才能與生命價值的社會,這是在本文或類似的關懷在任何時候都不曾改變的理念與理想!


This master thesis is about a recent development of a new type of employment discrimination happening in the global workplace, ie. genetic employment discrimination, and what its relevant consequence might have been for employees in Taiwan. This thesis proposes to view private workplace genetic employment discrimination from a constitutional prospective, both from employers’ or employees’ prospective. The article argues that counter what one’s intuition may be, the right to equality at work might only be a legal right, rather than can direct its root from constitutional rights, such as: right of equality and right of work! However, this article believes that a constitutional basis for equality at work is needed to face the functional change of constitutional in modern society, and in this genetic employment discrimination case, the right might be derived from article §22 of our constitution! Also, because current anti-employment discrimination laws, and Labor Standards Act in Taiwan do not provide any protection for employees in private workplace, and to make the situation worth, our Labor Safety and Health Act, like all other countries in the world, makes employees obligate to go through certain physical examinations before their employment or during their employment periods. As a matter of fact, the risk of encountering genetic employment discrimination by disclosing employees’ genetic privacy in those examinations, might just be as high in Taiwan, as what has been actually happened in the United States in 2001. Thus, unlike previous relevant articles in this area, this thesis argues that an anti-genetic employment discrimination law is now actually needed in Taiwan, just like most other countries in the world. In conclusion, this article argues that, since middle class workers are the fundamental basis for a health democracy, it might worth deliberate to offer all middle class employees a constitutional protection worth their importance and value to this system. This protection will also help to form a vibrant and healthy society and workplace to provide everyone in it a space to cherish their freedom and to fulfill their goals as a person with dignity. Anti-employment discrimination laws in different times might face different challenges and have different meanings, however, its core value and dream are all about founding a more equal and free society for everyone to live and work in, which is also the concern of this thesis and all other relevant articles in this area!


Joseph E. Stiglitz著,李明譯,「全球化的許諾與失落(Globalization and Its Discontents)」,大塊文化,2002年。
Christian Starck著,李建良譯,基本權利之保護義務,收於:「法學、憲法法院審判權與基本權利」,元照出版社,2006年。


