  • 學位論文


Three Essays of Program Evaluation and Event Study on Land Economics in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張宏浩


第一篇文章: 舊瓶裝新酒:利用matching frontier檢驗契作對農家收入的影響 契作對農家收入是一直是熱門的研究議題。本篇文章採用最新的計量方法─the matching frontier重新檢視契作對農家所得的影響。本研究採用具代表性的台灣主力農家資料庫,從中選出18,115筆作物別資料用以分析。分析結果指出契作對農家收入有顯著的影響。此外,常用於研究此議題的傾向評分匹配法或一對一匹配法通常低估該效果。 關鍵詞:契作、農家所得、matching frontier method、台灣 第二篇文章: 地下管線爆炸事件對房價之影響─以台灣為例 許多文獻發現災難對房價的負面影響,但地下管線對房價的影響卻鮮少被提及。為補足知識缺口,本研究透過一個意外的地下管線爆炸事件評估其對房價造成的影響。本研究使用內政部的實價登錄資料,並採用差異中的差異法針對39,266筆房地產交易進行分析。分析結果顯示,意外爆炸事件顯著減少爆炸區域與鄰近區域5.2%與1.9%的房價。此外,本研究提出人口遷徙,可以作為房價下跌的機制之一。 關鍵詞:環境災害、地下管線、房價、人口遷徙、差異中的差異法 第三篇文章: 綠能專區對農地價格之影響─以台灣為例 近年來無論世界各國或台灣,再生能源成長快速。台灣於2009與2017分別修改再生能源發展條例與電業法,鼓勵發展再生能源,促進電業自由。為響應政策,部分農地被列為「嚴重地層下陷地區內不利耕作得設置綠能設施之農地」,以下稱為綠能專區。本研究利用差異中的差異法評估綠能專區與電業自由對農地價格之衝擊。分析結果指出,上述兩政策分別造成農地價格下跌20.8%與15.8%。 關鍵詞:綠能專區、農地價格、台灣


This dissertation collects three essays that apply program evaluation study on land economics in Taiwan. The first essay examines the association between contract farming and farm household income, using a newly developed econometric matching approach. The second essay investigates the impacts of an unexpected pipeline explosion in Kaohsiung City. The third essay examines the impacts of energy policy and energy market liberalization on farmland value. Although a considerable body of literature has paid attention on similar topics in western countries, little evidence is found in Asia. Given that various land characteristics in Taiwan differ from western economies, the specialties then set our real estate market apart from prior studies. All of these three essays aim to provide more empirical evidence and insights to current interesting program and event in Taiwan, using representative dataset and reliable econometric approach. The second and third essay heavily rely on the Registering the Actual Selling Price of Real Estate dataset. This dataset is an administrative profile and it provides accurate information real estate market in Taiwan. The main findings of the second and third essay are summarized below. First, we found the value of land and real estate is sensitive to relevant policy and event. For instance, either the impacts of the pipeline explosion (essay 2) or the energy policies (essay 3) on property values are relatively larger than similar foreign studies. Second, heterogeneity of property matters. Due to the common mixed-use of residential, industrial, commercial property, comparison among different types of property plays an important role in evaluating the effects of programs and events (essay 2). Moreover, we found farmland sizes in the transaction records are mostly small than a hectare (essay 3). This phenomenon is not commonly seen in western economies. Consider the special characteristics mentioned above, our analysis framework can be applied to similar countries to check the robustness of our findings. We present detailed abstract of each essay as following. Essay 1: An Old Bottle with New Wine: Examining the Effects of Contract Farming on Farm Income Using the Matching Frontier Approach It has been a longstanding research interest on the association between contract farming and farm household income. This study applied a recently developed econometric method, the matching frontier method, to estimate the association between contract farming and farm income. A unique sample of 18,115 crop-specific dataset drawn from a nationally representative farm household survey in Taiwan was used. A positive association between contract farming and farm income was evident. Moreover, the commonly used propensity score and one-on-one matching method underestimated the treatment effects. Keywords: Contract farming, farm income, matching frontier method, Taiwan. Essay 2: The Impacts of Underground Pipeline Explosion on House Price — Empirical Evidence in Taiwan Literature has documented the negative impacts of disasters on house prices, but little is known about underground pipelines. This study assesses the impact of an unexpected pipeline explosion on house prices. The difference-in-difference model is estimated using a sample of 39,266 transaction records drawn from an administrative population-based house sales dataset. Results show that the explosion decreased house prices in the disaster and surrounding areas of the explosion site by 5.2% and 1.9%, respectively. Moreover, migration out of disaster areas into surrounding areas of the explosion site can be viewed as a mechanism behind the explosion effects on housing prices. Keywords: Environmental hazard, underground pipelines explosion, house price, migration, differences-in-differences. Essay 3: The Impact of Green Energy Utilizing on Farmland Price — Empirical Evidence in Taiwan As a rapid growth of renewable energy worldwide, Taiwan enacted the Renewable Energy Development Act (REDA) and the Electronic Act (EA) in 2009 and 2017, promoting green energy, electronic liberalization, and sustainable environment. A large area of farmlands in Taiwan was turned into designated zones where the farmlands are no longer suitable for agriculture and are able to be used as construction of photovoltaic utilization. This study aims to examine the impact of solar farm and electronic liberalization on farmland price by using the differences-in-differences approach. The results indicate that the REDA and EA decreased the farmland price in the designated zones by 20.8% and 15.8% respectively. Keywords: Solar farm, farmland price, Taiwan.


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