  • 學位論文


A Study on Telecare Key Success Factors -The Effect of competency feature

指導教授 : 林能白


隨著科技發展及社會結構的變遷,新興的遠距健康照護模式,近年來廣泛受到重視,然而目前執行的績效並不如預期,創新服務的推展非一蹴可及,在不同階段的成功關鍵因素,都必須適時被納入考量。 有感於現階段國內對於遠距健康照護關鍵成功因素之相關研究較為缺乏,且尚無學者利用分析層級程序法(AHP)進行分析,故本研究立意採用分析層級程序法找出遠距健康照護的關鍵成功因素。 本研究係經由相關文獻的探討,及採用AHP問卷調查法,以全台各區從事遠距健康照護的醫療院所之實務專家的觀點,歸納出「遠距健康照護」的關鍵成功因素,並透過不同專家群組樣本的區隔分析,更進一步驗證專家特質,確實影響遠距健康照護關鍵成功因素之結論。 本研究得到以下重要結果: 一、 專家對於遠距健康照護的關鍵成功因素之整體評估結果 遠距健康照護的關鍵成功因素依序為:內部環境構面的1)高階主管的支持與參與推動、2)醫師的配合程度/接受程度、使用者構面的3)使用者認為有助於健康控制、4)醫護人員的關懷電話與追蹤、5)易操作的儀器介面、及外部環境構面的6)穩定的財務及付費機制。 二、 遠距健康照護關鍵成功因素之結論,受專家特質的影響 因專家不同的專長特質,各為規劃(企業/產品導向)或執行(客戶導向),此特質差異所導致的不同觀點立場,影響其遠距健康照護的關鍵成功因素的結論,較偏重於內部環境或使用者構面。 期望本研究結果可作為相關單位在實施或經營「遠距健康照護」時, 擬定應對方針之參考,進而達到最佳資源分配及高績效的目的。


With the advance in technology and the social structure, the Innovative Telecare model gains extensive attention in recent years. However, the current performance is not as expected owing to the fact that the deployment of innovative services cannot be achieved in one shot. Critical success factors at different phases need to be factored in appropriately to ensure a smooth implementation. Responding to the relatively rare studies on critical success factors of Telecare applications in Taiwan, and no relevant Telecare study using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for analysis, this study intends to discover the critical success factors of Telecare by using AHP methodology. With references to the related literature and use of AHP questionnaire, this study conducts survey with Telecare practitioners of Taiwan's medical institutions to determinate the critical success factors of Telecare. In addition, through analyzing segmentation of different expert groups, this study further validates that the competency features of experts do affect the conclusions of the critical success factors of Telecare. This study derived the following key findings: First, according to the overall research, there are six critical success factors of Telecare, in order of significance, Internal environment perspective: 1 “Support from top management”, 2 “Acceptance and cooperation from physicians”, User perspective 3 “Attribution to personal health by user perception”, 4 “Follow-up phone tracking from healthcare professionals”, 5 “Instruments with user-friendly interfaces”, and external environment perspective 6 “Stable financing and payment mechanisms”. Second, the expert characteristics do affect the conclusions of the critical success factors of Telecare. Experts have their own competency characteristics, either “planning” ("Business / product-oriented) or implementation (customer-oriented), resulting in different effect upon the conclusions of the critical success factors, with varying focus on internal environment or user perspective. Expected results of this study can be referred by interested organizations as business blueprint in the implementation or operation of Telecare services to achieve high performance and optimal resource allocation.


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