  • 學位論文


Competitive Strategy of Coffee Bean Screening Machine

指導教授 : 郭佳瑋


近年來,精品咖啡風潮從國外吹到了台灣,到處出現了許多的精品咖啡店、在台灣咖啡產地農家們也標榜精品咖啡,農民與店家們對精品咖啡的理解,每人都有不同的解釋與說法。有人認為新鮮自家烘焙的咖啡就是精品咖啡;有人覺得精心處理「由咖啡豆子變成一杯咖啡的每一步驟」就是精品咖啡;有人認為品嚐不加糖不加奶精的純咖啡,也有人認為電以視廣告品牌咖啡就是精品咖啡。本論文中列出各國家咖啡協會之定義,並主要以美國精品咖啡協會﹙Specialty Coffee Association on American,簡稱SCAA﹚做為精品咖啡的規格指標。本論文將就咖啡豆篩選機之競爭力做為主軸,就咖啡產業深入探討其競爭優勢、策略、特性與未來發展。並配合個案:咖啡生豆篩選機為例,基於產業特性、五力分析、文獻探討等,及針對經營策略,及強弱危機等分析,逐一研討,結合台灣農機產業未來發展趨勢,找出其競爭優勢與策略適當之經營模式、方法,以擺脫競爭者符合企業競爭生存要素,達永久獲利之目標。


In recent years, the trend of fine coffee blowing from abroad to Taiwan, there have been a lot of boutique coffee shop, coffee makers in Taiwan are also advertised as fine coffee, farmers and stores on the understanding of fine coffee, each has a different interpretation With the argument. Some people think that freshly baked coffee is boutique coffee; some people think that careful handling of "coffee beans into a cup of coffee every step"; some people think that no taste of sugar without cream pure coffee, some people think that electricity to Advertising brand coffee is fine coffee. This paper lists the definitions of the National Coffee Association and is based on the specifications of the Specialty Coffee Association on American as a fine coffee. This paper will be on the competitiveness of coffee beans screening machine as the main axis, the coffee industry in-depth discussion of its competitive advantage, strategy, characteristics and future development. And with the case: coffee beans screening machine, for example, based on industry characteristics, five force analysis, literature, etc., and for business strategy, and SWOT analysis, one by one discussion, combined with the future development trend of Taiwan's agricultural industry to find its competitive advantage With the appropriate business model of the strategy, methods to get rid of competitors in line with the competitive interests of enterprises to achieve the goal of permanent profit.


4. Barney, J.B.(1991)Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage
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