  • 學位論文


The Strategy of Taiwanese Handset ODM Company to Cope With the Change of Smartphone Ecosystem

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


智慧型手機的崛起改變了行動通訊的產業結構,使得台灣手機ODM廠商原有的獨特能力不再受到客戶重視,取而代之的是以經濟規模、反應速度、垂直整合與全球運籌能力見長的EMS業者。在這個重大的市場變化下,ODM廠商該如何調整其資源與能耐,以形成新的獨特能力來維持競爭優勢,是為本研究之主要動機。 經由探討策略擬定及手機產業等相關文獻後,本研究提出一個結合市場、資源、能耐三構面之觀念性策略建構模式,並以台灣手機ODM廠商為例進行個案研究,除了實證此一模式的適宜性與可行性,也運用此一模式探討廠商在面對智慧型手機生態改變下之因應策略。 在這新的觀念性策略建構模式,除了可說明廠商的資源與能耐在不斷變動的外在環境中,應該如何來調整以產生新的獨特能力、形塑新策略來維持競爭優勢;同時也對傳統競爭力理論無法回答企業異質性問題,提供了良好的解釋能力,以利廠商識別其與競爭對手間之本質差異。 最後,本研究所提之觀念性策略建構模式,可充分協助經營者掌握外部市場變化對企業本質所造成的影響,適時調整其內部資源與能耐,運用突現策略來產生暫時性競爭優勢,再經由一連串的暫時性競爭優勢來達成持續性競爭優勢的終極目標。也深切期許本研究能對實務及學術界有所助益。


The rise of smartphone has changed the industrial structure of mobile communication and caused the ODM customers do not count on the distinctive competencies of Taiwanese handset ODM companies but used the EMS service instead for pursuing the advantage of economic scale, fast delivery, vertical integration and global logistics. Thus, how ODM companies to adjust its resource and capability and form a new distinctive competence for sustaining competitive advantage is the key motivation of research for this thesis. We proposed a conceptual model for managing strategy which covers the perspective of market, resources and capabilities from a research of documents relating to the strategic management and mobile industry. We also verified the suitability and feasibility of this proposed model in the case study of Taiwanese handset ODM companies, and come up with some strategies for the change of smartphone industry. By using this conceptual model, the ODM companies can understand how to create new distinctive competencies through adjusting their internal resources and capabilities in order to build a new strategy for sustaining competitive advantage. Besides, this model will enable the ODM companies to identify the difference of core competence between competitors. Finally, this conceptual model can also help managers to control the impact on the nature of the ODM companies during change of external market, to adjust the resource and capability timely, and to get a temporary competitive advantage by adopting an emergent strategy. Moreover, the sustaining competitive advantage of the ODM companies can be established by several temporary competitive advantages as ultimate source of success.


Resource-Based Competence-Based Strategy Smartphone ODM


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