  • 學位論文


The Route to New Drug Research and Innovation: The Spatial, Capital and Technological Linkages of Taiwan Bio-Pharma Industry

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


本文對於台灣的生技醫藥產業,一方面以政府設立的群聚形式出現,另一方面看到前往中國大陸的投資的現象,透過廠商的資源及地方的環境分析,提出一個分析的架構作為研究的基礎。首先,第一章及第二章透過對於生技熱或被稱為生技時代的背景,說明新藥研發在台灣生技醫藥產業中的重要性,並且分析新藥研發的模式及三種典範移轉的呈現中台灣的生技醫藥廠商的機會以及限制;本研究主要目的探討廠商實踐和創新理論在生技製藥產業中的意涵,透過行動者與空間相關的理論對話,包含群聚、廠商創新、行動者-網絡、跨界廠商的討論。在研究中從創新的空間和制度環境的鄰近性為切入點,並依據廠商的資源、資本和資訊為三個構面分析形成廠商作為行動者與環境互動的類型學。 其次,在研究方法上,本研究以理論為核心和生技製藥產業的分析,透過資料收集和質化研究的方式與廠商及單位進行深度訪談作為研究方法。研究過程中,以個案研究探討台灣生技製藥廠商在新藥研發時所使用的策略,並獲得以下的研究意涵: 1. 廠商的創新策略來自於新藥研發的價值鏈長,可以合作取得技術或是授權,並且因此衍生了許多新的行動者。 2. 台灣的中小企業廠商無法負擔資本密集且長時間新藥研發,必須要以接力賽式的分段加值。 3. 廠商考慮的是人才、資金和市場層面。在生技製藥產業,生產的空間區位和廠商的研發並無直接關連。 最後本研究討論生技製藥廠商與電子產業創新的不同,並以鑲嵌的超連結(embedded hyperlink)角度與理論的對話(1)廠商實踐體現在新藥研發的過程中;(2)新藥研發必須要注意到政府-廠商網絡的連結;(3)新藥研發的價值鏈制度必須同時連結全球和在地的制度,才能擴大利基和市場。


Taiwan's bio-pharma industry, on the one hand, appears to cluster established by the Government, on the other hand, emerges a phenomenon of investment to mainland China. Investigating the firms’ resources and local environmental, an analytical framework for research founds. The first and second chapters from the begining of biotech hot or bio-era background, indicating the importance of new drug research and innovation of bio-pharma industry in Taiwan, and analysis of new drug reaserarch and development (R&D) approach and three paradigm shift showing opportunities and limitations of Taiwan's bio-pharma firms; This study aims to provide the implications of the firms’ practices and innovation in the biopharmaceutical industry, through the action and space-related theory dialogue, including cluster, innovation, action-network, cross-boarder investment discussions. This study recognizes proximity of the “innovation space” and the “institutional environment” as a starting point, and based on firm resources, capital and information analysis for the three dimensions to form the typology of the firms as the actors interact with the environment. Regarding methodology of research, this study sets up the prospect according to theoretical and industrial analysis, and proves it thorugh data collection and qualitative research with firms by interview as a research method. The case study proves the strategies used by Taiwan's bio-pharma firms in the drug R&D. The conclusion is presented as follows: 1. Innovative strategy of firms comes from the length of the value chain of new drugs. Firms can cooperate to obtain technology and licensing, and therefore gives rise to many new actors. 2. Taiwan's SME firms can not afford the capital intensive and long new drug R&D, must be a relay-like segmental value added method. 3. Firms consider the talent, capital and market levels. In biopharmaceutical industry, the production of space and new drug R&D are not directly related. Finally, this study discuss different innovative biotech pharmaceutical firms and the electronics industry, and a embedded hyperlink point of view to re-review (1) firm practice is reflected in the drug R&D process; (2) new drug R&D must be noted that the beural-firm network link; (3) the new drug R&D value chain must link both the global and local regulations in order to expand the niche and market. Keywords: new drug research and innovation, bio-pharma industry, venture cvapital, clauste, regulation, value chai


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