  • 學位論文


Business Model for Asian Biotech Company Focus on New Drug Development

指導教授 : 江炯聰


生技產業已成為21世紀的主流明星產業,放眼國際,各國莫不投入相當心血推動生技產業發展,例如政府將生技醫藥業列為「兩兆雙星」計畫和「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」的重要產業。而整體生技產業市值約有80%集中在「新藥研發」,由此可見「新藥研發」儼然成為生物科技的產業趨勢及主流商機。根據摩根史坦利於2002年所發表的新藥開發價值鏈之報告指出,新藥開發在不同階段有不同價值,越接近上市其價值就會越高,舉例而言,當新藥由IND到二期臨床階段,其平均價值就會增加六倍之多,由二期臨床階段到NDA,平均價值又會增加六倍,所以新藥研發隨著開發階段越成熟,風險越低,價值越高。 目前在美國NASDAQ上市的生技公司,其中95%都屬於尚未有產品收入的生技研發公司。其中那些從事新藥開發的生技公司,距離產品上市還有很長的一段時間,最後產品能否順利開發成功或能否營收獲利,都還充滿極大的不確定性。不過新藥研發產業在美國已經形成完整的價值鏈,每一研發階段都有其附加價值,因此美國NASDAQ已發展出一套系統化的評價模式,可合理評估這些尚無營收的新藥研發公司的市場價值。反觀台灣的情勢,新藥研發商品化經驗尚未積累成熟以及台灣的技術交易市場規模尚未完整建立之前,很難對於台灣生技研發公司進行比較準確的鑑價評估,加上人體臨床以前新藥研發成果的價值要遠低於投入成本,因此可以預期除了少數大藥廠之外,很少有企業願意主動投入在風險極高的前期研發,同時新創企業也很困難在資本市場上籌集前期研究所需要的資金。有鑑於此,個案的方向就是要讓台灣市場瞭解新藥研發產業的性質,能夠進一步如何評價新藥研發公司,累積至一定規模後進入市場成熟的美國NASDAQ交易市場,爭取掛牌籌集資金,展開全球佈局。 亞洲地區有全球最多的人口與人種,具有廣大之潛力,過去這個市場被遺忘原因除東西文化差異外,亞洲各國個別差異太大,進入不易和經濟成長遲緩也都是原因之一,但近來亞洲的經濟快速成長,發展生技醫藥產業的環境也日益成熟,在藥品市場若不包含日本已佔全世界8%規模。因多數歐美大藥廠並不在乎這塊市場,其他歐美小藥廠在自己國家之外,對亞洲市場既不了解、文化背景也不熟悉,所以沒有餘力去開拓經營。個案的目標就是以較低的成本,取得歐美藥廠的授權,從中間切入,減少初期研發失敗的風險,開發亞洲國家市場,再採取階段授權移轉,不斷回收有效應用資源,再藉由自己在亞洲通路的佈局,銷售自行開發的新藥產品。 台灣如果要以新藥研發為目標,那應該選擇何種產品為開發標的?該以那個階段為切入點?2004年6月美國FDA提出「天然植物開發新藥」的藥政法規 (Guidance for Industry Botanical Drug Products),放寬可在不用做動物實驗及人體臨床第一期試驗,正式將植物藥品列入管理的範圍,這項做法等於是幫中草藥開啟了通往全球藥品市場的大門。2006年11月初,美國FDA核准第一項植物性處方藥品Veregen,本產品的主要組成來自於綠茶萃取物,用以治療人類乳突病毒 (human papilloma virus, HPV) 所引起的生殖器疣,是FDA核准的第一個植物性處方藥。以中草藥或天然植物開發出植物性醫藥品,已漸成國際發展趨勢,中草藥新藥的開發對我國醫藥產業未來的發展更具有指標作用。 在本論文的個案分析中,其選擇標的的基本策略就是以華人文化優勢及未來趨勢的中草藥切入新藥之開發,授權進來的產品都是接近臨床試驗的階段,此作法對於資本額偏小的台灣生技製藥廠商,直接進入臨床試驗,可省去前端大筆的研發費用,加上國內臨床研究依據美國FDA法規規範,促使國際大藥廠願意與我國的醫院與研究機構進行合作,使得國內環境具有豐富的臨床研究經驗,再者,在台灣進行臨床試驗所需之費用,亦較歐、美先進國家便宜。個案中就是看好台灣的臨床成本較低與研發人力資源堅強,先於國內進行臨床試驗之先期研究,待初步證明所開發之藥品具有療效,或在取得國內藥品上市許可後,再將產品授權給國際大藥廠,在亞太地區各國同步執行新藥臨床試驗,節省在人體臨床試驗階段的時間與金錢投入,落實個案中極力推動之「亞太地區跨國多中心臨床試驗機制」,如此一來可讓業界從台灣出發,與國際接軌,共同開發新藥全球國際市場,達事半功倍之效。 一般來說,新藥開發的資源整合及專業分工在「研發」、「技術開發」、「製造」及「臨床試驗」等環節最常見,但個案中自「財務和管理支持」及「市場開發」也都採取整合型經營模式。其所開發的產品獲得政府計畫鼎力補助,包括三項經濟部工業局業界科專計畫,一項生技製藥型國家計畫及兩項經濟部技術處SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) 研發聯盟先期研究計劃,妥善運用政府資源扶植新藥研發所需之鉅額資金,並於開發過程中有效節省成本。簡單來說,個案中採取的模式就是把整個台灣看成是一家大型生技公司,將台灣的每一個研究單位,每一家公司都視為大公司裡的一個部門,部門間的資源都可以彼此分享及運用。此種專業分工的模式,有效資源整合各合作對象,擴展研發能量及資源運用能力,掌握引領台灣生技新藥產業在國際卡位的重要利基點。 本研究藉由一些亞洲區域的產業案例,以務實的角度探討我國一家新藥研發型生技公司的經營模式,尋找符合我國產業發展之優勢利基方向,並對於如何達成「生技成功投資案例」的經營策略,進行討論並作出相關建議,希冀能藉此提升台灣生技產業國際競爭力,創造出亞洲成功的經營模式,成為全球生技產業價值鏈中不可或缺的一環,也為個人及企業開創新機,邁向成功的高峰。


製藥 新藥研發 經營模式 亞洲 中草藥


Medicines contribute enormously to public health. The discovery and development of new drugs have improved people’s quality of life and saved many lives. The consumption of drugs is vast, ever increasing, and makes the industry as one of the most profitable economic activities in the world. The interests of pharmaceutical companies and those of the public may overlap but, oftentimes, are not identical. To ensure that the industry works in the public interest, an effective and efficient regulatory regime is indispensable. Under the conventional regulatory system, a new drug must have gone through rigorous scientific studies and clinical investigations during its research and development process before its final approval by the regulatory authority. Such research and development activities are very time consuming, extremely expensive and full of uncertainty and risks on its final outcome of success. While making commitment in promoting public health, the pharmaceutical industry must seek reasonable return on investment in order to warrant its own survival, first, as well as its long term growth and prosperity, the next. In return to its commitment and effort in promoting public interest, the government, therefore, provides incentives to the industry through patent and administrative protection measurements so that a large monetary rewards can be realized to those pharmaceutical companies lucky enough to have a new drug finally approved and launched. In recent years, the competition of generic drugs has significantly reduced the profitability of Brand Name Company. As soon as the period of patent protection of a brand name product has expired, generic versions of the drug may enter the market. Immediately, the sales of brand name drug will be threatened by generic drugs. Except for the threat comes from the generic drugs, the traditional pharmaceutical industry also faces an even bigger threat coming form the biotech industry which sprouts everywhere, grows rapidly and enjoys its faster development process of protein drugs. Facing such threats, the pharmaceutical industry has chosen to either invest more into R&D in order to speed up the final approval of its next series of new drugs, or has taken strategic moves such as “merger & acquisition” or through collaboration with Biotech Company in order to elevate its competitiveness in this arena. In view of the enormous potential of the biotech industry, the Executive Yuan of Taiwan government has set definitive policies, since 1995, to enhance and promote its birth and growth of this industry and subsequently has observed significant increase in number of bio-tech companies as well as steady growth of its output value of this young bio-tech industry in Taiwan. Meanwhile, the Executive Yuan has set up criteria to model a success and mature bio-tech company, so-called “Success Story of Incubation”, as having 1) registered capital over NT 500 million dollars; 2) market capital in 5 times; 3) company size of 50 employees or more. As of the day of this writing, none of the bio-tech companies has qualified for such criteria and there exists large gap for further growth. It is the right time to take after the success stories of the world wide pharmaceutical and bio-tech companies and to build our own business model as a Asian Biotech company focusing on New Drug Development. This thesis will summarize the strategies adopted in the global pharmaceutical industry and the regional situations in Taiwan. Based on this summary, we will compare the business models between a Taiwan-based biotech company and the other cases in the same region (Asia) so as to discuss the best strategy for the company and to propose the best solution to achieve the goal of being a “Success Story of Incubation”.


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15. 試驗中新藥申請基準 行政院衛生署
4. 中國中醫藥報 www.cntcm.com.cn
7. 經濟部智慧財產局http://www.tipo.gov.tw/


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