  • 學位論文


Black Stones in the Black Stone (Naganivatu)- the contemporary social and economic aspects of women’s lives in Fiji

指導教授 : 童元昭


本研究以斐濟Viti Levu島Rewa河畔的Naganivatu村婦女捕撈kai(圓蜆)的經濟活動為例,探討婦女涉入市場經濟後,現金收入及花費方式如何改變她們在社群中的角色和地位。本文分析婦女在日常生活與儀式聚會的展現,以及私下的八卦和評議其他女性的說法,歸結出對當地人而言「好的斐濟婦女」應有的表現,亦即在家務勞動外,還必須履行生命儀禮、教會等家族及公共場合的社群義務,而現金收入在以上場合中的運用,以及參與儀式準備的過程,則是「好的斐濟婦女」評斷的關鍵。 當代斐濟的村落生活,對現金的需求和使用逐漸滲入當地的交換體系中。例如以往儀式性交換場合中所需物品,如芋頭、樹皮布和草蓆等,多由男性種植和女性編織來供給,但在當代生活中,大多以現金向其他村人或由村外購入。基督教會亦為當代村落生活的核心組織,現金提供了奉獻、蓋教堂和教會活動、宴會等需求。除了生命儀禮、教會奉獻之外,孩童的教育金費與生活其他方面的現金需求也一直在提昇,Naganivatu村婦女的現金收入,解決了該村少有男性能獲得賺取現金以滿足家庭生活所需的工作之問題。 近來,部份婦女在公共事務上積極發言捍衛自身權益,產生一些不遵守村落集體對婦女的要求,如外遇、不依循衣著規定等。她們的行動看似挑戰斐濟傳統社會的階序原則,有違人際互動的階層、長幼與性別的相對關係,不完全服從男性、村長或女性長輩的指示,實則反應當代村落生活逐漸涉入資本主義經濟的同時,女性作為家戶主要的現金提供者,開始有可能反抗階序社會中不平等互動。然而,婦女也是階序社會得以延續的關鍵,她們盡力在生活中兼顧捕撈圓蜆和家務勞動,滿足自家生活所需和儀式、教會等各方面的義務和貢獻,維繫既有的社會關係。呈現出在個人層次得以反抗既有的階序社會規範,但在社會層次卻成為維繫既有秩序的主要推動者的矛盾狀況。


斐濟 婦女 階序 圓蜆 現金


Naganivatu, Viti Levu, is a village of 53 households along the downstream Rewa River. The village economy is mainly based on women's task, that is, they dive for freshwater mussels (kai) and sell out in the markets. Men plant taros, cassavas, and sweet potatoes mainly for subsistence rather than sale. In this research, I describe the process and ways of collecting and selling the kai. Through this activity, I analyze the economic aspects of social lives and interactions between women. Then, I present the importance and the meaning of cash in the contemporary Fijian village lives. Also, I examine how the special production, namely collecting the kai, and its economic contributions leave impacts on traditional gender relations. In addition, women’s contributions and their ways of manipulating the cash are recognized when they meet collective needs, exchanges, and social obligations of kinships. In sum, women’s economic activity leaves them space to challenge the traditional hierarchical order, but at the same time, women’s contribution and participation to the social gathering and rituals also reinforce the hierarchical society.


Fiji women hierarchy cash freshwater mussel (kai)


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