  • 學位論文


Fusion Architecture: A New Memory Hierarchy Design Using Phase Change Memory

指導教授 : 楊佳玲


現今的系統大多用動態主記憶體(DRAM)當作硬碟(Disk)的一個緩衝(Buffer)用的快取(Cache),這種做法是將資料與檔案暫時的存在主記憶體(Main memory)中,由於隨著技術與製程的進步,動態主記憶體與硬碟的之間的效能有著明顯的差距,已經形成一個鴻溝,而存取效能較慢的硬碟更常常成為提升整體系統的效能的一個瓶頸,因此,如何有效的減少兩種裝置之間的效能差距成了一個很重要的議題。 近年來相變化主記憶體(Phase Change Memory)成了一個熱門的研究對象,由其它的特性被認為可以有效的減少動態主記憶體與硬碟之間的鴻溝問題,本篇論文利用的相變化主記憶體的特性提供了一種計算機結構(architecture)的方式:熔合架構,藉由熔合架構,程式可以直接的存取相變化的資料而不必經過文件系統(File system)來處理,因此可以有效的提升系統效能。


Computer systems use DRAM as a bu er cache for disk to temporarily load le's data into main memory. But since the two devices have di erent access latency, the performance gap and the slower device will become a bottleneck that slows down the system's performance so that reduce the performance gap is a very important issue. In recent research, phase change memory (PRAM) is been believed that it will reduce the distinctions between memory and storage. In this work, we provide an architecture approach Fusion based on PRAM's features, by allowing programs to directly access les on PRAM with load store instructions and bypass le systems to get impressive performance improvement.


Phase Change Memory DRAM cache buffer disk architecture file system


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