  • 學位論文


The study of sediment budget and processes at watershed scale.

指導教授 : 李鴻源


泥砂收支模式量化集水區中所有土砂運動行為,包含崩塌、侵蝕、移動、堆積,以及複雜的交互作用,以正確預估的收支平衡;過去多使用大量的資料或是以個別案例分析進行計算,但是得到的結果只限於討論的特定區域或條件。為了瞭解集水區土砂運動行為的整體面貌,以及不同情況下泥砂收支的行為,本研究使用概念模型描述泥砂收支行為,假設降雨為誘發崩塌以及河道輸砂的主要條件,特別是颱風降雨事件所造成的泥砂收支,並預估隨雨量大小之改變;本概念模式的主要啟動因子為降雨並利用定率性方式進行模型內部參數的討論以及序率性的測試進行影響因子的不確定性分析。 本研究利用高屏溪流域內三個子集水區:荖濃溪集水區、旗山溪集水區、隘寮溪集水區2001年至2010年的資料,進行泥砂收支分析,從崩塌、土壤沖蝕體積、河道輸砂的量化到遞移率的估算。結果顯示河道泥砂收支與事件降雨量相關性最高;莫拉克颱風的極端雨量造成高屏溪流域43億立方公尺土砂崩塌,對於高屏溪來說大量的土砂仍滯留在邊坡上,未進入河道;而事件雨量較小的辛樂克颱風對於集水區來說而有沖刷的效果。然本研究亦發現泥砂運動行為的方式仍受水文條件之不確定性影響,例如計算河道泥砂濃度的方式就可以依照河道輸砂特性(泥砂供給限制、泥砂傳輸限制)而分成月平均法、年率定曲線法以及事件率定曲線法,計算出來的值以月平均法最高、第二為事件平均法、最後為年平均法。此研究仍利用年率定曲線法進行計算,若未來欲計算河道輸砂量可利用三者平均。 比較高屏溪流域泥砂收支模式與概念模式,結果顯示高屏溪流域所算出的值多落在概念模式所算出的範圍內,初步可說明本研究之模式具有解釋高屏溪泥砂收支現象之能力,就趨勢影響可以適當呈現,但水文之不確定性仍佔有相當重要之影響,單一事件之變異性可能造成決定性之影響,而使得整體趨勢較不明顯。


The sediment budget is a common tool to quantify sediment balance in a watershed, including processes. Previous researches mainly applied data-driven or case studies in specific area. As a result, we always only obtain a limited scope or understanding for the sediment budget phenomena in a watershed. In this study, firstly I investigate the different sediment processes within a watershed and make effort to reasonably model them under the different conditions. By using the conceptual model built in this study, sediment supply and outflow can be simulated. This study treats rainfall as a major trigger in sediment budget. Easy to be understood, it dominates occurrences of landslides, transportation of sediment in rivers, and other major process of watershed sedimentation, especially for typhoon or extreme storm events. To discuss the model parameters, this study applies both deterministic and stochastic framework to analyze the watershed sedimentation. By this way, we can have a more comprehensive investigation in this topic. This study applies the proposed model framework to real cases in Taiwan, inclduing three subbasins in the Kaoping river basin. These subbasins are Laonong river basin, Cishan river basin and Ailiao river basin. We found that the river sediment budget are significantly correlated with the event of rainfalls. For instance, the extreme rainfall event of Typhoon Morakot triggers landslides with mass of 4,300 million cubic meter in the Kaoping basin. But most of the sediment might still stay on the hillslope instead of moving to rivers. For a moderate event such as the Typhoon Sinlaku, the watershed actually could produce less sediment than it transport out. We suggest the general trend of sedimentation can be concluded, but various uncertainties in different process may strongly dominate the phenomena of sediment budget in a watershed.


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