  • 學位論文


The Study on Sediment Budget and Delivery Ratio In the Shihmen Reservoir Watershed

指導教授 : 李鴻源


台灣水庫淤積問題日益嚴重,而水庫淤積泥砂來源主要來自颱風豪雨期間山坡地崩塌與沖蝕,其部分藉由颱風豪雨產生之高流量一併挾帶往水庫中,而另一部分長期累積於集水區之鬆動土砂將提高未來下游之災害風險。現今常用以地文因子多變量回歸結果之泥砂遞移率公式來代表該集水區泥砂運移能力,此方法僅能描述集水區長時期的泥砂遞移概況,然而無法針對短時期來做估算與應用。本研究以石門水庫集水區為例,透過泥砂收支平衡的概念,探討集水區泥砂遞移率空間與時間變化情況。 研究中將石門水庫集水區產砂來源分為崩塌地與土壤沖蝕兩種,其中以衛星影像判釋崩塌面積,坡度-深度法估算崩塌深度,近而估算崩塌體積,並以USLE公式估算坡地土壤沖蝕以及舊有崩塌地後續沖刷量。於2004至2008年間,產砂量以2004年艾利颱風後造成集水區產生6,228萬噸崩塌產砂最多,占總產砂量之97%,而2006年僅228萬噸最少,占19%;近五年來子集水區年平均崩塌比例占56%,年平均沖蝕量則占44%,顯示於石門水庫集水區仍以崩塌產砂為主要來源。 由於河道輸砂量資料不足,本研究透過BASINS模式之HSPF模組參數率定驗證後,模擬2004年至2008年之秀巒、玉峰、稜角與霞雲水位站之出口輸砂量。透過估算之集水區產砂來源與輸出泥砂量可描述泥砂收支情形,結果顯示2004年至2008年期間秀巒與霞雲(包含三光與高義)子集水區遞移率較高,玉峰與稜角子集水區則是泥砂遞移率較低之區域。由研究結果中發現集水區泥砂遞移率不是定值,會因年降雨條件不同而改變,變化範圍可達1%~40%。以玉峰子集水區為例,該區域於2004年遞移率高達35%,而2006年僅3%,於2008年遞移率則為12%。本研究探討影響遞移率因子後發現集水區遞移率與最大時降雨強度有明顯關係。於應用面上,本研究嘗試建立含水文因子之泥砂遞移率回歸公式,於此可依據實測時降雨強度推估該場事件的泥砂遞移率,並配合產砂量之估算求得集水區泥砂收支情形。


崩塌地 土壤沖蝕 遞移率 HSPF 泥砂收支


Sedimentation is a big problem in the reservoir in Taiwan. Most of sediment source can apart from soil erosion and landslide which bring into river during typhoon events. In recent years, frequently extreme hydrological events were observed in Taiwan corresponding with the effect of global climate change. The rainfall characteristics and pattern were also temporally variant. In the past, lots of studies used a geologic regression to stand for each watershed’s capacity to show the characteristic of sediment transport. However, long-term average result can’t apply in watershed management. We select Shihmen reservoir as an example. Through the concept of sediment budget, we confer sediment delivery ratio in different time and spatial scale. This study calculate sediment budget and delivery ratio from 2004 to 2008. There are 6,228 tons sediments from landslide after Alle typhoon in 2004. The sediment source from landslide is 56% and soil erosion is 44%. There are lots of sediment deposited in the slope and river bed, it might raise the risk of disaster. To simulate the output sediment from each watershed, we choose HSPF model to simulate during 2004 to 2008. In this case, we find sediment delivery ratio changing base on annual hourly-maximum rain intensity. Sediment delivery ratio in the Shihmen reservoir is between 1% to 40%. To application in watershed management, we try to regress sediment delivery ratio and rain intensity in the power rule. Base on the result we can represent each watershed’s sediment transport behavior to support decision makers to make strategies.


landslide soil erosion delivery ratio HSPF sediment budget


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