  • 學位論文


Application of Physically-Based Erosion Model to Analysis of Soil Loss in Shankung Watershed.

指導教授 : 李鴻源


土壤沖蝕速率估算為集水區管理中重要的議題,但往往因為缺乏集水區的土 壤沖蝕資訊,以致於對土砂災害及水庫淤積的情況無法有效的控管。過去研究大 多以經驗型模式推估土壤沖蝕速率,但受限於對沖蝕行為的簡化,經驗型模式需 透過適當的修正以及率定方能準確地應用。有鑒於此,本研究以物理型土壤沖蝕 模式 GeoWEPP(Geo-spatial interface for Water Erosion Prediction Project),配合採 樣與試驗取得土壤物理參數,模擬三光溪集水區的 1966 年至 2005 年之土壤沖蝕,並與銫 137 放射性核種法與 USLE 計算之土壤沖蝕速率比較,評估模式的適用性和限制,並探討不同解析度 DEM 對於模擬結果的影響。 GeoWEPP 建有 Flowpath Method 與 Watershed Method 兩種方式進行集水區土壤沖蝕模擬,研究結果顯示 Flowpath Method 模擬集水區年平均土壤沖蝕量為79.2t/ha/yr為銫 137 法推估 33.21t/ha/yr的 2.4 倍,因此,假設流長大於 100 公尺處屬於野溪並予以剃除,則平均土壤沖蝕量為 28.55t/ha/yr,相較於 USLE 估算的 13.70t/ha/yr,較能符合銫 137 的量測數據。其中,Flowpath Method 在流長小於 30 公尺處有較佳的模擬表現。在森林土地利用狀況模擬下,GeoWEPP模擬平均土壤沖蝕量為 24.64 t/ha/yr、USLE 為 2.71t/ha/yr、銫 137 量測值為32.2t/ha/yr;在竹林土地利用狀況模擬下 GeoWEPP 模擬平均土壤沖蝕量為 28.7t/ha/yr、USLE 為 10.04t/ha/yr、銫 137 量測值為 41.39t/ha/yr,模擬結果顯示 GeoWEPP 較 USLE 更能反映林地的土壤沖蝕狀況。Watershed Method 模擬集水區年平均土壤沖蝕量為 89.1t/ha/yr,為銫 137 法推估的 2.7 倍,且因為無法利用流長進行修正,因此 Watershed Method 較不適用於三光集水區的土壤沖蝕推估。此外本研究分析 5m、10m、15m、20m 解析度之 DEM 的模擬表現,發現5 m 解析度 DEM 較能反映地形變化處的沖淤特性;20 m 解析度 DEM 則因為流長超過 100 公尺的含蓋範圍較廣,能刪除較多的高估數值,經過修正後低解析度 DEM 的平均沖蝕速率與銫 137 的量測數值較為相近。本研究顯示 GeoWEPP經適當修正後能應用於估算三光集水區的土壤沖蝕速率。


Soil erosion is an important issue for watershed management. However, the lacks of reliable soil erosion estimation limited strategies and activities relating to the disaster mitigation and sedimentation management. Also, previous studies have estimated soil erosion rate by using empirical models, but those ignore the mechanics behaviors and rely large amount of calibrated data. In this study, the GeoWEPP model was applied to estimate soil erosion in the Shankung watershed and the soil parameters was determined by soil sampling and experiment. Then, the model’s applicability and limitation were compared with USLE model and validated by method. And the effects of DEMs with different resolutions on predicting watershed erosion were investigated. The results show that the average soil erosion rate estimated by GeoWEPP- Flowpath and Watershed method are 79.2 t/ha/yr and 89.1t/ha/yr , respectively. The erosion rates are 2.4 and 2.7 times more than the rate (33.21t/ha/yr ) estimated from. Therefore, flow length > 100 m was assumed to be ephemeral stream and the soil erosion rate where flow length > 100 m was been excluded. Then, soil erosion rate by Flowpath Method was 28.55 t/ha/yr, which is similar with the rate estimated from and had better performance than the estimation by USLE (13.7 t/ha/yr ), especially where flow-length < 30m. Furthermore, 5 meter DEM has better a detailed of influence of erosion on topographic characteristics. And after modification, 20m DEM get the similar estimation with value due to widely modification area. This study suggested that GeoWEPP with flow-path modification has acceptable performance applying in mountain forest watersheds in Taiwan.


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