  • 學位論文


A Study of Economic Efficiency Assessment of Leisure Farm in Taiwan-An Application of Stochastic Frontier Analysis

指導教授 : 吳榮杰


旅遊已成為現代人休閒不可或缺的活動,亦或是尋找自我的過程、方法,中西方皆然,歐美等國更是從1950年代起將旅遊產業視為國家經濟發展策略方向,並將農業旅遊與工業革命後的景點做為結合,發展出更具經濟規模的旅遊產品,根據EuroGite(歐洲農業旅遊組織)2012年統計,農業旅遊創造出超過90萬個工作機會與1500億歐元的產值,並將傳統農業逐漸轉型為觀光體驗產業。 小農型態的台灣更是在這幾年來積極的將傳統農業轉型為休閒農業與觀光農場,發展高附加價值的農業,希望擺脫「菜土菜金」、「穀賤傷農」的悲情情景,隨著政府與民間部門對於休閒農業不斷的投入,休閒農業業者家數的增加以及休閒農業的產值逐漸成長,總產值進逼百億大關,休閒農業儼然成為政府所注重的新興產業,也因此本研究以台灣之整體休閒農場為研究對象,欲了解目前台灣休閒農場之整體發展,與各休閒農業業者的經營效率,以期提供休閒農場業者參考研究並在經營的策略上能夠得到一定的幫助。 本研究利用Battese and Coelli(1995)所提出之隨機邊界法分析,同時探討台灣本島171家休閒農場在2014年全年的經營效率表現,以及影響經營無效率的因素。實證結果顯示,平均而言台灣休閒農場的效率為0.9244,若將業者進一步分為北中南東四區,可以發現以東區地區的平均效率表現最好為0.9521,南部地區的業者表現最差為0.9052。若將業者分為參加休閒農業區與未參加休閒農業區,休閒農業區業者平均效率為0.9687,非休閒農業區業者平均效率則為0.904。可見透過休閒農業區整合區內業者確有其效果。 就無效率的影響因子而言,自家人數占總員工數比例較高者、有經營餐飲者其經營無效率顯著較高。參加休閒農業區者以及有經營體驗項目者其經營無效率顯著較低。由此結果可知,對政府而言其推動休閒農業區之政策獲得顯著的正面效果,而對休閒農業業者而言,建議應設置體驗活動項目以提高其經營效率。


Tourism has become an integral part of modern leisure activities, from 1950s, Europe and America take agricultural tourism industry as a national economic development strategy direction. According to EuroGite’s (European Agricultural tourism Organization) 2012 statistics, the agricultural tourism created more than 900,000 jobs and 150 billions euros, and gradually transform the traditional agriculture to tourism industry. In the past few years, Taiwan’s government and the private sector continue to invest for the leisure agriculture, the value of leisure agriculture industry has grown dramatically and become the emerging industries. Therefore this research is about to realizing the development of Taiwan Leisure farm, and calculates the leisure agriculture industry's operating efficiency. This study uses stochastic frontier method proposed by Battese and Coelli (1995) to analyze and discuss Taiwan’s 171 Leisure Farm in 2014 full-year operating efficiency performance, as well as realizes management inefficiency factors. The empirical results show that the average Taiwanese leisure farm efficiency is 0.9244, and if the industry is further divided into northern, central, southern and eastern areas, the average efficiency of Eastern region performance can be found is preferably 0.9521, the southern region were the worst performing sector 0.9052. If the industry divided into participating in leisure agriculture area and not participating in leisure agriculture area, the study found that leisure agriculture area industry average efficiency is 0.9687, which is more dominant than the non- agricultural areas 0.904. As a result of the integration of leisure agriculture area, we can see the area really improve the management efficiency of agricultural sectors. As for the non-efficiency factors, the higher propotion of home member, running restaurant would get higher non-efficiency operations. Those who provide leisure experience project would have significantly less non-efficient effect. From this results, the government’s policy to promote leisure agriculture zone have significant positive effect, as for the leisure agriculture industry, the proposal should be set to provide experience activities to improve its operational efficiency.


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