  • 學位論文


Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention: An Empirical Analysis of University Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉子銘


近年來大學生創業的風潮盛行,不論是成為下一個臉書、谷歌創辦人或是出版書籍、展出個人藝術展覽,跟上自造者運動的趨勢實現理想,是多數大學生前仆後繼積極參與的新興運動。雖然學生所擁有的創業資源不足,惟在知識經濟、全球化、資訊網路化的現代,學生成功創業的機率已不如以往低,甚至逐漸受到學者重視其為區域發展、產業創新所可能帶來的龐大價值。台灣大學為全國資源豐富之學術研究以及學習機構,其中的學生得分為理工以及非理工背景的學生。理論上,理工學生因具備技術知識,理應比非理工學生更具備創業能力。然而,具有能力行之卻不一定代表具有意圖想進行創業。因此,為讓創業資源有效應用,如何分配資源至得有效促進學生創業意圖的研究即成為重要的研究問題。 創業意圖是指潛在創業者採取行動進行創業的慾望;由於創業行為的本質為意圖實現的過程,因此如能準確地預測是否真的會進行創業,在對於政府、大學進行創業資源分配時,將有其理論上以及實務價值。截至今日,若以研究分析途徑做為歸納條件,我們可以發現創新行為研究的文獻主要分類得為心理取向、經濟取向、社會文化取向。理論上,創業意圖可由此三類因素影響而成。因此,本研究的目的為針對此三項前置變因對理工、非理工的台灣大學學生進行創業意圖因素的探索。 研究設計採以普查方式為主,並且進一步以多元迴歸法進行資料分析。研究工具為本研究建立於相關研究文獻結合而成的自創問卷。總共預計可能收案數359人,實收問卷125人,回收率35.8%。其中答卷學生的系所分布為全校系所。研究結果發現理工與非理工學生在創業意圖上無明顯差異。理工學生創業意圖較受個人對於創業的態度、創業課程修課次數影響;非理工學生創業意圖較受國家政經狀況影響。


Following the inspirations from the stories of Facebook, Google, or any other individual professional career development success, recent advances in student entrepreneurship advocacy has become a popular topic in Taiwan. Student entrepreneurs, although lacking sufficient venture capitals or social networks believed to be critical in successful business operation, have emerged in numbers amidst the arrival of knowledge economy, globalization, information network digitization. Due to its potential for promoting regional development and industrial innovation, student entrepreneurship has become a bourgeoning field of academic research. Entrepreneurial intention is defined as a potential entrepreneur’s desire to initiate an entrepreneurial behavior, be it new business creation or professional career development. Entrepreneurial behavior is essentially an intentional process; therefore, it is widely recognized by scholars that understanding entrepreneurial intentions can facilitate prediction on whether entrepreneurial behavior will occur in the future. Past research suggests that entrepreneurial behavior research can be categorized into psychological perspectives, economic perspectives, and sociological perspectives. In theory, entrepreneurial intention is a result of factors belonging to all three types of perspectives. Therefore, this study aims to leverage on examining National Taiwan University’s engineering/science students and non-engineering/science students’ entrepreneurial intentions through three abovementioned antecedent factors. This study adopts a survey as data collection tool, and uses a customized survey, to collect response from students in two entrepreneurship education programs at National Taiwan University. Data analysis was performed with a multiple regression analysis. Sample was collected from a possible maximum of 359 people, responding students were 125 in total, converging on a response rate of 35.8%. All students belonged to all offering disciplines at National Taiwan University. We find that the majority of university students at National Taiwan University show low desires for initiating their own businesses of any form. In this study, although there is no disciplinary membership difference in entrepreneurial intention level, results do show differences in the type of factors influencing entrepreneurial intention level. Entrepreneurial desirabilities of engineering/science students are mostly driven by personal attitudes toward entrepreneurial behavior, and entrepreneurial education course participation frequency; the same properties of non-engineering/science students are mostly driven by their perception of the economic and political conditions of home country.


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