  • 學位論文

創業精神、知識資源、外在環境對創業策略與創業績效之影響 ─以台灣中小企業為例

The Effect among Entrepreneurship, Knowledge Resources, and External Environment on Entrepreneurial Strategy and Performance in Taiwan SMEs

指導教授 : 張世其


當人們對工作現狀不滿意,或是有一個理想工作的藍圖時,「創業活動」是大多數人會採取的下一步。而創業要成功,也就是在多變的環境中生存下去,除了要有運氣,還要有勇氣、能力以及其他重要因素。因此在創業管理這一塊有許多研究,希望能探討歸類出一個成功的創業模式。 過去有許多與創業相關的研究著重探討單一因子會如何影響創業,並以量化研究進行數據的歸納。本研究決定做一個通盤式探討,整合創業家的創業精神、其所具備的知識資源以及面臨的外在環境,會進一步形成創業策略且影響創業績效。創業活動中又以中小企業最為活絡,因此選定中部地區的四間中小企業為對象,以質性研究的深入訪談法,深入了解創業家創業的過程中需具備之知識資源,面對外在環境變化的動態能力,最後所採用的創業策略及績效的結果。研究結果發現:創業家多具備預應性的創業精神,其先備知識、高度的動態應變能力是經營新事業的重點。策略上採用客製化以與競爭者做出區隔,最後均呈現中等以上的績效。本研究將學術理論結合管理實務,希冀為創業管理領域增添新的研究發現,並為有意願創業的人或團隊提供實務上的實質建議。


In the past, many researches related to entrepreneurship focused on how a single factor would affect entrepreneurship, and used the quantitative method to get the result. This study decides to do a comprehensive approach to the integration of entrepreneurs’ entrepreneurship, its knowledge resources and the facing environment. These factors will further form a business strategy and affect entrepreneurial performance. Entrepreneurial activity is the most active in small and medium enterprises, so we select four small and medium enterprises as the object in mid Taiwan, and do this research with in-depth interviews of qualitative research. We want to get more details on the process of establishing the new venture, like: the knowledge resources, the dynamic ability when facing the environmental changes, the entrepreneurial strategy and finally the results of the performance. The research results show that: Most entrepreneurs have proactivness entrepreneurship. His/her pre-knowledge and high dynamic ability are the points of operating new business. They take the customized strategy to make segmentation with competitors, and finally showing a perfect performance. This study combines academic theory with management practice, hoping to add new research findings to the field of entrepreneurship management, and also provide substantive advices to those who plan to start a new venture.


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