  • 學位論文


Thermal response of pelagic larval duration for subtropical reef fishes

指導教授 : 王慧瑜


珊瑚礁魚類在珊瑚礁生態系中扮演重要的角色,同時也提供人類部分飲食來源及遊憩活動。珊瑚礁魚類族群數量變動受到與其早期生活史特徵影響 (如幼魚死亡率),而早期生活史特徵變化與環境溫度息息相關。在熱帶地區的研究指出溫度對早期生活史特徵如幼魚時期或稱為初期浮游期 (pelagic larval duration; PLD) 造成非線性的影響:當環境溫度低於最適成長溫度(達到最大成長速率的溫度)時,溫度上升使成長速度增加並縮短PLD;但是,溫度超過最適成長溫度反而使成長速度下降並延長PLD。在亞熱帶地區的水溫變化與魚的最適成長溫度的關係的相關研究很少。多數亞熱帶珊瑚礁魚類產卵季節橫跨數個不同季節、甚至全年,仔魚在初期生長期間可能經歷不同季節的水溫。同時,水溫資料顯示部分臺灣北部以及東北部沿岸水溫超過過去文獻所探討之部分熱帶地區珊瑚礁魚類之最適成長溫度。因此,我們認為:若溫度尚未超過亞熱帶珊瑚礁魚類之最適成長溫度,則珊瑚礁魚種之PLD-溫度的關係呈一負線性相關;若溫度超過亞熱帶珊瑚礁魚類之最適成長溫度,此珊瑚礁魚種之PLD-溫度關係為非線性。吾人選擇五種採樣自不同季節的臺灣北部沿海潮池的珊瑚礁魚類,分析其稚魚的耳石日輪以回推不同種類之初期浮游期長短。吾人亦採用兩種過去文獻常用的溫度資料:平均溫度或是成長積溫度數 (growing degree-days),以評估溫度對珊瑚礁魚類之初期浮游期的影響。本研究發現:以15度C為基礎生長溫度(base temperature)的成長積溫度數得以最佳預測條紋豆娘魚(Abudefduf vaigiensis)以及暗紋蛙䲁 (Istiblennius edentulus)的初期浮游期。其他三個物種:庫氏天竺鯛(Ostorhinchus cookie)、梭地豆娘魚(Abudefduf sordidus)及褐深蝦虎(Bathygobius fuscus)則以平均溫度的評估最佳。PLD-溫度資料的關係在褐深蝦虎呈現負向的線性關係,但其他四種的PLD-溫度關係為非線性趨勢。這些不同的PLD-溫度關係可能與物種利用潮池棲地的程度有關。由於台灣北部夏季潮間帶的溫度已超過某些熱帶珊瑚礁魚種的最適溫度,我們推測台灣北部潮池定棲物種(如褐深蝦虎、暗紋蛙䲁)應該比潮池半棲種(條紋豆娘魚、梭地豆娘魚、庫氏天竺鯛) 更能適應高溫。研究結果亦發現只有褐深蝦虎PLD-溫度關係呈現負向線性關係,而條紋豆娘魚、梭地豆娘魚、庫氏天竺鯛PLD-溫度關係則呈現非線性關係。然而,目前我們仍然無法解釋暗紋蛙䲁的非線性PLD-溫度關係。非線性的PLD-溫度關係顯示亞熱帶地區夏季(六至八月份)水溫已經超過條紋豆娘魚、暗紋蛙䲁、庫氏天竺鯛之最適成長溫度,表示夏季溫度可能對這些魚種的族群數量有負面影響,但是此溫度未超過梭地豆娘魚、褐深蝦虎之最適成長溫度。最後,我們建議未來維護珊瑚礁生態系魚種多樣性與保育需要更審慎地評估溫度對於仔稚魚早期生活史特徵之影響。


Understanding the effects of temperature on length of larval durations (a.k.a. pelagic larval durations, PLDs) provides insight into larval survival, dispersal distance, and ultimately, population persistence. Previous research suggests a nonlinear relationship between the PLDs and temperature for tropical reef fishes: i.e., rising temperature tends to shorten PLDs, but beyond the thermal optima (the temperature corresponding to the shortest PLD) further increases in temperature will lead to extended PLDs. However, such relationships are unclear for subtropical reef fishes. Given that the upper limit of temperature in the subtropical region exceeds the thermal optima of some tropical fishes and that most subtropical reef fishes spawn all-year-around, we hypothesized a nonlinear effect of temperature on PLDs for subtropical reef fishes. To test this hypothesis, we compared PLDs with two temperature indices during PLDs (average temperature and growing degree-day (GDD12 or 15) for five common reef fishes collected from tidal pools at the northern coast of Taiwan throughout a year. We found that these species displayed differential sensitivities to either of temperature indices: i.e., PLDs of two species were sensitive to GDD15 (Abudefduf vaigiensis and Istiblennius edentulus), while those of the other three species were sensitive to average temperature (Ostorhinchus cookii, Abudefduf sordidus, Bathygobius fuscus). Furthermore, a linear (negative) effect of temperature (indexed by average temperature) on PLDs was found for the Bathygobius fuscus, as opposed to nonlinear effects of temperature for the other four species. Most importantly, we found that temperatures have surpassed thermal optima for three species: Abudefduf vaigiensis, Istiblennius edentulus, and Ostorhinchus cookii. A positive or nonlinear effect of temperature on PLDs indicates a negative impact on recruitment for subtropical reef fishes under warming.


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