  • 學位論文


Effects of Pulsed Radio Frequency Neuromodulation on Bladder Function in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat

指導教授 : 林啟萬
共同指導教授 : 彭志維(Chih-Wei Peng)


膀胱過動症患者在台灣盛行率為16.9%,隨著年齡的增加,老年人口有膀胱過動症的比例高達28.2%,膀胱過動症不僅對病患的社交、生活品質造成影響,若長時間處在膀胱排尿功能過動與失調的病症下,容易造成腎臟及輸尿管水腫和腎功能病變,慢性排尿障礙將有可能導致尿道感染、尿失禁,嚴重甚至引發腎衰竭而致死。因此,排尿障礙的病患是不容忽視的問題。因此電刺激調控是一種替代的新治療發展方向。 高頻阻斷技術利用高頻(>1kHz)之震盪電流施予神經束,而快速地造成此神經路徑傳遞阻斷且具低傷害性的電刺激技術,先前文獻進行模擬來驗證其運作機制,於哺乳動物髓鞘神經施以高頻電流,會造成神經膜電位呈現動態穩定的去極化現象而達到高頻阻斷之功能 [1],此技術目前已於動物神經肌肉標本實驗中,證實其高頻電流可以有效地阻斷神經傳遞而造成肌肉放鬆[2][Bhadra, 2004 #12]。 本研究使用脈衝式射頻電刺激(射頻頻率500KHz、脈衝頻率2Hz、脈衝持續時間80ms、電壓±3V),在骨盆神經進行電刺激,於神經反射傳導之實驗結果得出參考於臨床之PRF電刺激參數,對於較細小之骨盆神經無造成明顯損傷,尿路動力學實驗結果證實骨盆神經在經過射頻電刺激的達到神經訊號阻斷效果,膀胱過度收縮的狀況得到改善,並且單次五分鐘的脈衝射頻電刺激後,膀胱過動症狀之原發性高血壓SHR鼠排尿效率從30%上升至一週的56%與第二週43%。經過PRF於下泌尿道之電刺激,顯示於兩週後仍然有改善效果,本實驗結果如延續到臨床上,將有助益於治療膀胱過動症以及頻尿的患者。


Overactive bladder affects physical functioning, social functioning and quality of life. And chronic voiding dysfunction will likely lead to urinary tract infections, incontinence, severe and even lead to kidney failure or death. So, patients with voiding dysfunction is the problem can not be ignored. The aim of this research was to develop a new electrical stimulation method for improving overactive bladder and verify its effect in animal experiments. This study demonstrated the use of low-volt pulsed radio frequency electrical stimulation (frequency 500KHz, pulse frequency 2Hz, pulse duration 80msec, amplitude ±3V) as a method to reduce bladder contractions by electrical stimulation on pelvic nerve. Overactive bladder syndrome will improve with pelvic electrical stimulation therapy. Thus, this results may provide a new approach for treating patients with overactive bladder.


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