  • 學位論文


Official Control and Local Trade in Eastern Taiwan, 1600-1915

指導教授 : 周婉窈


本文以臺灣東部歷史上的物產交易活動,以及隨之產生的人群互動關係為核心,探討民間交易活動與清末至日治初期官方治理政策的關聯。自常民生活的脈絡而言,最早在十七世紀的歷史文獻中就可觀察到原住民社群之間,以及原住民與漢人之間的交易活動,在東臺灣蓬勃發展。此時所形成的,大概僅是局部的,小規模的貿易網絡。由於臺灣東部的自然地形侷限,這些貿易網絡的交通路線直到二十世紀初,仍是人們遷徙、聚居以及交易活動的基礎。   藉由梳理歷史文獻材料,本文指出自十七至十九世紀,犯禁移入東臺灣的漢人通事身兼商販、嚮導與原漢中介者的角色,始終在東臺灣保持活躍與自主,在「開山撫番」時期更成為清國在地方行政第一線的重要角色。日治初期,臺灣總督府在蕃地仍依循清末的治理模式,延攬漢人通事或原住民領袖,一方面透過贈與禮物或物產交換來「撫育」原住民,一方面調查各地自然人文資訊,摸索在東臺灣的治理方策。當平地的漢人反抗活動平息,臺灣總督府在開發山地資源的企望下積極改變蕃地治理方針。官營交易所(交換所)的設立,不僅掌控原住民所依賴的物產交易活動,亦削弱漢人通事在蕃地的影響力。此時,控制物產的流通與封鎖,甚至成為總督府於戰爭中迫使原住民投降的重要手段。透過比較在明治四十年(1907)與大正四年(1915)之間,東臺灣交易所地理位置的差異,本文指出東臺灣的交易所在太魯閣戰爭後更向中央山脈推進,也顯示總督府的權威擴及蕃地深處。過往在東臺灣自由發展的物產交易,至此成為政府蕃地統治中的關鍵一環。


東臺灣 物產交易 蕃產 通事 交易所


This thesis focuses on the trading activities in eastern Taiwan and the interactions between people as the transactions took place. So that it will be possible to observe the relations between local trade activities and the official control from Late Ch’ing to early Japanese Rule. Through the context of common people’s life, I discover that back to 17th century, there were already trading activities which were prosperous in eastern Taiwan among indigenous people and Han people. There might have been some trading networks that were formed thanks to these trading activities. Due to the limitations caused by terrain with mountains and hills, the transportation routes related to the trading networks have been the essential basis for the migration, inhabitation and exchanging goods for people in eastern Taiwan. By means of combing through the historical materials, this thesis indicates that the Han people who violated the law and migrated across the aboriginal boundary were not only merchants, but also local guides and cultural brokers between indigenous people and Han people. They were autonomous and greatly involved in eastern Taiwan. Furthermore, they even became a significant part of the local administration of the Ch’ing government. In the early Japanese Rule, the governance patterns during Late Ch’ing was followed by the Office of the Government-General of Taiwan (臺灣總督府,Taiwan Sōtokufu). They recruited Han go-betweens (通事,Tong-su or Thong sū) or local leaders of indigenous people, they embarked on ”nurturing” indigenous people through giving gifts or trading goods, while investigating the information on natural geography and local culture. So that they were able to grope for the way to govern the Indigenous Territory (蕃地,banchi). The establishing of government-owned trading posts by the Office of the Government-General of Taiwan in Indigenous Territory did not merely let the Japanese officials control the trading activities that indigenous people depend on for living, but also developed into a crucial strategy to force indigenous people to capitulate. By comparison with the differences of locations of the trading posts in eastern Taiwan between 1907 and 1915, this thesis demonstrates that after the Truku War, the locations of the trading posts had been moved into the Central Mountain Range. It also suggests that the authority of the Office of the Government-General of Taiwan had advanced to the inner region of the Indigenous Territory. People used to trade and exchange goods freely in eastern Taiwan, yet, trading became an essential part of the governance of the Indigenous Territory till this period of time.


(一) 史料文獻
包樂史(Leonard Blussé), Natalie Everts, Evelien Frech編,林偉盛,康培德譯,《邂逅福爾摩沙:台灣原住民社會紀實荷蘭檔案摘要》。臺北:行政院原住民族委員會,2010。
