  • 學位論文


The Value Change on Traditional Family Authority under Taiwan’s Democratization: the Analysis of Four Surveys from 2001 to 2014

指導教授 : 陳明通


在第三波民主化浪潮襲捲下,台灣於1980年代中期啟動政治自由化,其後於1996年總統直選進入政治民主化,到2008年二次政黨輪替後完成Huntington的「二次政黨輪替考驗」(two-turnover test)進入「民主鞏固階段」。民主並非只是選舉制度或典章制度改變,而是一個政治共同體揚棄威權或極權,選擇自主、自由、平等價值與生活方式,尤其,台灣民主進程因政治運動與社會運動的結合與同盟,台灣民主化具高度價值趨向,不僅爭取政治民主化,也追求公民的社會經濟權利,爭取價值思想民主。然,台灣深受儒家傳統文化影響,而政治學者普遍認為儒家文化強調團體、權威及責任等,不利於推動民主自由,即便因高度經濟發展或政治菁英理性選擇等因素,促使台灣進入民主國家,但,儒家文化最根本的家庭傳統價值,如家父權威及男性權威等,有隨著民主發展而變遷?若有,影響變遷的主要因素為何?與民主價值取向的關聯又如何? 本論文研究途徑採取Easton的「政治系統理論(system theory)」,並加入胡佛對其之修正意見,認為政治系統與家庭系統間為動態互動過程,政治民主化將帶來家庭民主化,而家庭民主將深化政治民主。 本論文運用臺灣大學社會科學院「胡佛東亞民主研究中心」之「亞洲民主動態調查臺灣地區調查研究計畫」於2001年、2006年、2010年與2014年的四波調查資料,以量化分析(secondary data analysis)進行探討,並運用「二元勝算對數模型」(binary logit model)進行分析,主要研究發現為:1.台灣政治民主化發展,影響家庭傳統價值變遷,台灣民主愈深化,「家庭傳統權威價值」愈弱化。2.民主化後,台灣民眾之「民主價值取向」提升,民主持續深化,惟支持「集會結社自由價值」比例未過半。3.台灣民主化後,「家庭傳統權威價值」漸趨減弱;不認同「婆媳傳統權威價值」及「重男輕女價值」明顯下降,不認同「親子傳統權威價值」維持七成左右。4.「親子傳統權威價值取向」稍有上升,「傳統孝道」逐漸轉為「現代孝道」。5.「家庭傳統權威價值」與人口學變數之「性別」、「年齡」、「教育程度」及社會學變數的「宗教信仰」、「社會階層」與政治學變數之「政黨偏好」、「民主價值取向」有關。家庭收入變項、族群變項則無顯著影響。


In the third wave of democratization, Taiwan initiated political liberalization in the mid-1980s, and then in 1996, the presidential election entered political democratization. After the second political party rotation in 2008, Taiwan completed Huntington’s two-turnover test and entered the democracy consolidation. Democracy is not just a change in the electoral system, but a political community that abandons authoritarianism or totalitarianism, chooses the values of autonomy, freedom, equal. In particular, Taiwan’s democratic process was a combination of political movements and social movements. Taiwan’s democratization has a high value trend, not only for political democratization, but also for the pursuit of social and economic civil rights and for the democratization of values and ideas. However, Taiwan is deeply influenced by Confucian traditional culture, and political scholars generally believe that Confucian culture emphasizes group, authority and responsibility, which is not conducive to promoting democracy and freedom. Even if it is due to factors such as high economic development or rational selection of political elites, Taiwan entered into a democratic country. However, have the most fundamental family traditional values of Confucian culture, such as the authority of the father and of men, changed with the development of democracy? If so, what are the main factors affecting the change? What is the connection with the democratic value orientation? This paper adopts Easton's "system theory" and joins Hu Fu's amendments. It believes that the political system and the family system are dynamic interaction processes, and political democratization will bring about democratization of the family. Family democracy will deepen political democracy. This paper uses the four-wave survey data of 2001, 2006, 2010 and 2014 of the "Asian Democracy Dynamic Survey Taiwan Regional Survey and Research Project" of the Hu Fu Center for East Asia Democratic Studies of National Taiwan University to quantify the analysis ( secondary data analysis), and using the "binary logit model" to analyze, the main findings are: First, the development of Taiwan's political democratization has affected the changes in the family's traditional values. The deepening of Taiwan's democracy, the weaker the family traditional authority value is. Second, after democratization, the democracy value orientation of the Taiwanese people has increased, and democracy has continued to deepen. However, the proportion of "freedom of assembly and association" has not been more than half. Third, after the democratization of Taiwan, the family traditional authority value gradually weakened. The "traditional authority value of the mother-in-law" and the "value of the patriarchal value" decreased significantly. The proportion, which disagreed “the authority value of parent-child tradition”, maintained about 70%. Fourth, “the authority value of parent-child tradition" has risen slightly, and "traditional filial piety" has gradually changed to "modern filial piety". Fifth, "the traditional authoritative values of the family" are related with the demographic variables of gender, age, educational and the sociological variables of religious beliefs, social classes and the political variables of party preferences and the democratic value. Household income variables and ethnic variables have no significant impact.


