  • 學位論文


The Influence of Family Factors on Green Household Behaviour for Adult Learners of Community Colleges in Taipei Area

指導教授 : 黃馨慧


本研究旨在了解社區大學學員其家庭因素對綠色家庭生活行為之影響情形。採用問卷調查法,針對大臺北地區社區大學學員進行調查,總計回收有效問卷382份;研究工具包括「家人互動關係量表」、「綠色家庭生活行為量表」,以及「個人與家庭背景資料」等三部分;調查所得資料以描述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、階層迴歸分析等統計方法進行統計分析。 本研究之結論總計八項,包括︰ 一、一般家庭中的綠色家庭生活行為整體表現尚屬良好。 二、社區大學學員的綠色家庭生活行為中,「親身力行行動」做得最多,而在「市民行動」、「法律行動」做的最少。 三、家庭中的女主人對綠色家庭生活行為是最具概念、最具影響力以及執行力是最徹底者,其次皆為家中男主人。 四、年齡、家庭社經地位、家庭月收入及家人環保活動參與經驗不同者其家人互動關係情形有所不同。 五、個人的綠色家庭生活行為會因年齡、家人環保活動參與經驗而有不同的表現;而年齡、家庭社經地位以及家人環保活動參與經驗不同者,家人的綠色家庭生活行為也會有所差異。 六、家人互動關係越好者其更能夠力行綠色家庭生活行為於日常生活之中。 七、個人的綠色家庭生活行為受到年齡、家人環保活動參與經驗、家人訊息交換與家人問題解決所影響。 八、家人的綠色生活行為受到性別、家人互動關係中的訊息交換以及個人的綠色家庭生活行為所影響。 最後,研究者亦針對教育相關單位及未來研究提出建議。


The purpose of this study is to understand the influence of community college learners’ family factors on green household behaviour. In order to achieve objectives of the research mentioned above, questionnaire survey method is adopted. The participants are the learners of the community colleges in Taipei area. 382 valid questionnaires were collected. The research tools were composed of three parts:“ Green Household Behaviour Questionnaire,” “Family Relationships Question- naire,” and “Personal Background Information.” The data is analyzed by using the Statistic Descriptive, T-test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson product- moment correlation coefficient, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results are as follows: 1.The overall performance of green household behaviour in general families appears to be good. 2.The most of green household behaviours of community college learners is ”physical action’’. Conversely, the least are "civic action" and "legal action". 3.Mistress is the one in family with the most conceptual, influential and thorough executor in green household behaviour; master is the next. 4. The difference in the family interaction relationships relatives to the different age, social-and-economic status, family income and family- member participation in environmental activities. 5.An individual performance of green household behaviour is regard to the age and family-member participation in environmental activities. The family-member performance of green household behaviour is related to the difference of age, social-and-economic status and family-member participation in environmental activities . 6.The one with good family interaction relationship is usually a more successful executor in his daily life of green household behaviour. 7.The green household behaviour for an individual is influenced by age, family-member participation in environmental activities, exchange of cognition and solution of problem. 8.The green household behaviour for the family members is influenced by sex, cognitive exchange of family interaction relationships and that for an individual. Based on the results of this study, the research also provides suggestions for education administrations and further research on this issue.


