  • 學位論文


Development of the Field Server for the monitoring of bio-environment

指導教授 : 方煒


本研究結合可程式控制與網路介面卡(Programmable Interface Controller and Network Interface Card, PICNIC) 、感測器、無線AP (Access Point)與IP攝影機建構環境伺服器 (Field Server, FS),亦建立兩套應用系統示範FS的多方面用途。 FS的建構包含硬體與軟體,硬體包括前端感測與後端負載控制,前端感測使用土壤含水率感測器、溫溼度感測器、水位開關與IP攝影機等,後端負載則透過繼電器驅動包括燈管,警報器,風扇、馬達、造霧機等設備。控制動作允許手動或透過軟體介面依預定的策略執行。軟體開發以VB.NET (Microsoft, USA)為平台,允許針對每一組環境伺服器進行資料讀取、資料儲存,並且可以針對伺服器中的不同的控制功能進行即時控制。 建立的兩套應用示範系統包括具備遠端監視與控制功能的植物觀賞平台與植物栽培環控箱燈具之遠端與近端雙向控制系統。此二應用系統初步展示了環境伺服器在網路無遠弗屆的加持下,可以做到的真正遠端監控。目前示範的FS雖然以生物環境的監控為主,相信在工商業等應用也都可找到許多應用空間。


Field server (FS), consists of PICNIC (Programmable Interface Controller and Network Interface Card), sensors, wireless AP (Access Point) and IP camera, was developed. Two applications systems were introduced to demonstrate the capabilities of FS. System of FS consists of hardware and software. Sensors such as soil moisture sensor, temperature and humidity sensors, water level sensor and IP camera and actuators such as relay and solid state relay were used to control the active/enactive of lamps, alarm, fans, motors and foggers, etc. manually or automatically based on predefined controlled algorithm. Related software was developed based on VB.Net platform and data measured of all sensors can be stored into a database and retrieved afterward. Two application systems were developed including exhibition stand for ornamental pot plants with Internet wise remote monitoring and control functions and controlled environmental growth chamber with Internet wise remote and local control capabilities on lamps. Thanks to the advanced of IT technologies, both systems introduced make the term ‘remote control’ with new meanings. Although, both examples demoed were focusing on Bio-industrial applications, we are quite sure that such system can find vast applications in many other fields.


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