  • 學位論文


Glocalizational Process of Risk Discourse about Mercury in Large Oceanic Fish--Taiwan (1970-2005) as a Case Study

指導教授 : 周桂田


從社會建構論的觀點,風險不是人類可以估計或計算的客觀事物,參與風險論述的代理人或利害關係人會影響到問題認定與解決方法的採用。由於大型海水魚類含汞風險是虛擬的風險,也就是人們處於「不確定性」的情形中做判斷,必定涉及到「價值判斷」,因此「科學事實」是被置放在文化與政治的脈絡中,而且也是在這種環境中被解釋的。 在全球在地化風險的脈絡下,本文揭露台灣社會中政府官員、漁民、學者關於大型略食性魚類風險論述背後的的價值體系與假設。透過歷時性分析發現,西方風險論述從1970年代強調檢測魚體、禁止販售的「行動值」論述,在2000年以後轉變為風險高度個人責任化的「食魚警告」論述。而台灣身為水產品國際貿易的輸出國,從1970年代開始長期承受著必須跟上西方國家風險論述的壓力。在這種被動的風險定義關係下,台灣的漁政單位、漁業相關團體發展出「拒斥型風險論述」;而海洋、公共衛生等不同領域科學專家的「保守型風險論述」,與日後逐漸成長並由環保、消費者團體以及部分風險科學專家發展出來的「倡議型風險論述」,呈現競爭性的對立關係。而這三種風險論述也隨著西方大型海水魚含汞食用風險論述的變遷而互有消長,呈現出全球化與在地回應的辯證關係。


From the social construction perspective, risk is not an objective that can be estimated or calculated. Otherwise, agents and stakeholders that take part in risk discourse affect process of problem recognition and measures adoption. Since health risk of mercury in large fish is virtual, people make decisions under “uncertainty” based on their “value judgement”. Hence scientific facts are placed and interpreted in a cultural and political context. The study inquires the assumptions and value systems that public health officials, fishermen, scholars have in the glocalization process. With longitudinal approach, the study found risk discourse in west societies of 1970’s are more of “Action Level” that emphasizes fish testing and sales banning. From 2000, it changed to a highly-individualized “Fish Advisory” discourse that focuses on personal responsibility. Since 1970’s, Taiwan, as an exporter in the global fish economy, is in pressure of keeping up with the western risk discourses. As a result, three risk discourses emerge: 1) “resistance risk discourse” from Taiwan’s fisheries bureaus and fisher groups; 2) “conservative risk discourse” from scientists of marine and public health disciplines; 3) “advocacy risk discourse” developed from environment, consumer groups and some risk scientists. The competition of the latter two is also related to the changes of western risk discourse about mercury in large oceanic fish and reveals a dialectic relation of globalization and local responses.


Shyong, Wen-Jiunn (熊文俊) Hong-Cheng Chen (陳弘成) (2000). Acute Toxicity of Copper, Cadmium, and Mercury to the Freshwater Fish. Varicorhinus Barbatus and Zacco barbata. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica 11(1): 33-45.
