  • 學位論文


A study of land degradation in Chuifen and land degradation perception among Taiwan, Japan and Hong Kong tourists

指導教授 : 李建堂


九份在積極發展遊憩活動之下,山區環境已面臨許多衝擊,再加上政府積極推動觀光客倍增計畫,國內外遊客數量的日益增加對九份的環境造成更大的壓力。過去九份即因自然環境脆弱,而有地滑、土石流等問題的發生,目前更要面對許多其他土地退化的現象,這都會影響到九份未來的遊憩發展與經營管理。 本研究先針對九份的土地退化問題作現地調查,以瞭解九份目前所面臨的土地退化問題,並利用台灣、日本和香港遊客的問卷調查,有效問卷共351份,分別是台灣遊客150份,香港遊客100份,日本遊客101份,採用因素分析、變異數分析與敘述性統計來分析不同國籍遊客對土地退化問題的識覺,比較各國遊客所關注的面向,以供九份地區未來遊憩發展與經理之參考。 研究結果顯示,九份的土地退化表現在地質土壤方面較嚴重,其他則是污染與公害、生活機能與衛生、景觀等問題。在土地退化識覺的調查上,台灣遊客對土地退化問題的認知較普遍,認為九份土地退化的嚴重程度較高,日本居次,香港遊客則較少注意到九份的土地退化問題,而日本遊客對於地質與土壤方面的土地退化問題,關注程度反而高於台灣遊客。此外,遊客認為九份具有土地退化的問題主要表現在景觀方面,這是未來九份在環境經理上必須加以處理的。


土地退化 遊憩衝擊 九份 遊客識覺 地滑


Under positive development of tourism in Chuifen, the mountainous environment faced with many impacts. In addition, the government positively promoted “Doubling Tourist Arrivals Plan”, so that a great deal of domestic and abroad tourists gathered, the environment confronted with quite tremendous pressure. Because of the vulnerability of natural environment in Chuifen, that had landslip and landslide problems already, but also had other land degradation phenomenon. These problems may affect the development of tourism and management in Chuifen in the future. The research will make the investigation of the land degradation in Chuifen, in order to comprehend with the problems of land degradation at present. Using the questionnaire survey to the tourists of Taiwan, Japan and Hong Kong, in order to analyze and compare the tourist perception of land degradation problems. The questionnaire survey has been taken with 351 valid questionnaires, which are 150 Taiwan tourists, 100 Hong Kong tourists, and 101 Japanese tourists. Use factor analysis, analysis of variance and descriptive statistical analysis to tourists of different nationalities on the land degradation perception. The result can be the reference for the development of tourism and management in the future. Findings demonstrate the serious problems of land degradation in Chuifen are about the geological and the soil problems, pollution, health and landscape. In the aspect of land degradation perception, the perception of Taiwanese tourists is universal. Taiwanese tourists thought land degradation problems more serious, Japanese tourists occupy the order. Relatively, the tourist perception of Hong Kong is the least. The land degradation perception of the geological and the soil in Japanese tourists instead is higher than Taiwanese tourists. Furthermore, the land degradation perception of tourists mainly performance in the aspect of landscape, which is the most important issue must be addressed on environment management in future.


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