  • 學位論文


Printed Media Service Innovation - Using Interactive Newspaper as Example

指導教授 : 曹承礎


近年來,全球平面媒體面臨營收持續下滑,紙張成本不斷上揚的壓力,加上新興媒體的搶佔市場,在經營環境持續惡化下,各媒體均多方面嘗試創新以尋求突破。 本研究以平面媒體的報業為探討目標,透過文獻研究與網路公開資訊蒐集,分析報業目前的所處的競爭環境與遇到的問題,彙整出報業的六項未來趨勢。 1.傳統報紙已進入衰敗期,但短期內報紙不會消失。 2.報業的競爭者不僅在報社間,新興的網路媒體更是來勢洶洶。 3.組織的重整速度趕不上市場衰敗的速度,不堪負荷者終將停刊。 4.報業已感受到衰敗的壓力,產品的創新將持續發生。 5.跨媒體進行整合併購與合作,期望能產生媒體綜效。 6.年輕人不是不需要資訊,而是不透過報紙仍然可以取得資訊。 透過各業者所採取的因應對策進行探討,找出供需端的策略要素。本研究歸納出以報業為範圍的七點需求,提供平面媒體未來在進行服務創新時的考量依據。 1.保留實體版面訊息,延續讀者閱讀習性。 2.增加互動機制,爭取年輕族群。 3.追求即時性,有效降低更新成本。 4.去除高額的印刷紙張成本。 5.善用網路,降低通路成本。 6.掌握訂戶或是會員資料,了解讀者喜好。 7.協助企業內部評核。 依據上述七點需求考量,本研究提出一項創新服務模式,為以媒體本身的核心能力為主,將原有的內容優勢,透過網路,往外擴散到整合其他加值內容服務。在使用者介面上,則具有統合影音互動介面的機制,由原來靜態的內容,轉化為生動有趣的動態呈現。互動報紙為此服務模式應用在報業上的作法,本研究具體提出規劃模型,提供其他平面媒體一個可以複製的架構。


Global printed media industry has experienced that revenue trend is down, the challenge of higher operation cost and new merging media technology penetrated into the market now, however, printed media has tried to develop new business strategies and model through new collaborations and innovations. This thesis studies local newspaper business with published papers, the information and data available in web, and analyze the current business environment and competition, as well as the business challenges and operation difficulties. Six business trends listed as below: 1.The outlook of printed media is trend down, but will not dismiss 2.Competition is not only among the peers but new internet media technology and business model. 3.The pace of business trend down is faster than the resolution of organization re-engineering, some printed media had shut down business due to lack of cash. 4.The pressure of business drop will drive the development of new innovation. 5.Existing media will be doing M&A and business alliance, so as to create business synergy. 6.More information channel available, It is not a must to teenage read newspaper. With collecting and analysis of the strategies which printed media company has implemented, then, this thesis is to address the successful criteria of setting strategies. Also, with strategy map, this thesis concludes seven recommendations to help new innovations and business model. 1.Maintain conventional presentation format to sustain existing customers’ adoption. 2.Add interactive user interfaces to attract teenages. 3.Provide real-time information at effective cost 4.Eliminate the high cost of paper materials. 5.Reduce the channel cost by using internet connectivity. 6.Understand customers’ behavior through Customer Relationship Management 7.Strengthen internal operational excellence by KPI. Our research proposes an innovative service business model which is base on the core competence of printed media and increase added-value service through leverage internet connectivity. The user interface has video /audio features which enable and enrich the digital content. Therefore, interactive newspaper model will be presented in this thesis as a re-producible platform to facilitate other media companies.


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