  • 學位論文

大國外交平衡的舞台 ——越南文獻觀點對越中關係的分析,1975-1991

Staging the Major-power Balance Vietnam-China Relationship in the Perspectives of the Vietnamese Literature

指導教授 : 石之瑜


越中關係在上世紀1950年代開始到1975年越南完成國家統一的二十五年間仍是相當友好的發展。出發於反對帝國主義的社會主義陣營國家,中國對越南的支持是一種同盟關係,兩國人民的傳統友誼精神已有了很結實的基礎。可是因為國家戰略利益的原因,使得兩國在這個友好的時期也曾發生過一些讓另一方不高興的事情,但總體上來看仍是在越南打敗了兩強的基礎上,越中兩國仍可以維持傳統的友誼關係。 進入了下一個階段的1975年到1991年的十六年期間,越中兩國關係也明顯開始出現曲折和問題。過去這方面的研究甚少,但新近回溯這段歷史的越南學術文獻愈來愈多,翻譯成越南文的相關外文著作也問世,並引用了重要的文件。本文整理這些文獻,提供外界一個對越南觀點的完整呈現。 根據這些研究,在這一階段裡,隨著國際背景和國內背景的改變,兩國的戰略利益之間產生很大的差距。在國際舞台上,中國需要尋找一個大國的角色地位,首先便是從世界的革命運動和社會主義陣營中脫離,並與蘇聯競爭的領導角色開始,接著是東南亞地區的東南亞政策,想擴大中國的影響力。而越南的兩場反帝戰爭都有中國和蘇聯的援助,所以在中蘇兩國的矛盾出現是越南夾在兩個盟友中間時平衡關係的一個困難。中國的對越政策之改變,就使得兩國的關係越走越遠並惡化發展和發生軍事衝突,而直到1991年經過雙方的努力才能得以恢復正常化關係,為兩國和兩國人民的利益朝有利方向發展,繼續恢復與發展兩國人民的傳統友誼精神。 當代的越中關係也受到國際的關注,尤其是兩個社會主義國家從友好發展到武裝衝突的程度。各國學者也幾乎從越戰時期開始分析中國和越南之間的政策互動,和越戰結束後的兩國政策或國家和戰略利益的摩擦。同時越中關係的發展也受著美中蘇三角戰略關係的互動。本研究幾乎是試圖整理越文文獻和外文文獻中所陳述的1975年到1991年階段的越中關係的發展。


From 1950 to the 1975 reunification of Vietnam, Sino-Vietnamese relations developed in a relatively friendly way. Based on its opposition to imperialism as a country in the socialist camp, China supported Vietnam as an ally, allowing the traditional spirit of friendship between the two people to have a firm foundation. However, because of considerations of national interest, even in this period of friendly relations there were also several incidents which left one or the other side with acrimonious feelings. But overall China and Vietnam were able to maintain their traditional friendly relationship on the basic of Vietnam’s battle against France and the United States. As Sino-Vietnamese relations entered the sixteen year period between 1975 and 1991, obvious strains and problems appeared in the relationship. Although past research into these issues is very limited, new Vietnamese scholarly literature which examines this period of history has become more and more, as well as important foreign scholarly work quoting important documents which have translated into Vietnamese. This thesis organizes the related literature, providing the outside with a complete presentation of the Vietnamese perspective. Based on this literature, during this period of time, both countries strategic interests became widely divergent as a result of international and domestic changes. In the realm of international affairs, China began to pursue great power status. China first departed from the revolutionary movement and socialist camp and began competing with the Soviet Union for leadership. This move was closely followed by a policy towards South-east Asia which sought to expand China’s influence. Because Vietnam’s twin anti-imperialist war received support from both China and the Soviet Union, the rift in Sino-Soviet relations created difficulties in balancing relations for a Vietnam sandwiched between its two allies. The change in China’s policy towards Vietnam in turn created an ever increasing distance between the nations, ultimately leading to a souring of ties and military conflict. It was not until 1991 that the efforts of both sides was able to achieved the restoration of normal ties, enabling the interests of both countries and peoples to develop in advantageous ways, continuing to restore and develop the traditional spirit of friendship between the two peoples. Contemporary Sino-Vietnamese relations have also attracted international scrutiny, particularly the degree to which two socialist countries moved from friendship to armed conflict. Scholars from different nations largely begin analyzing Sino-Vietnamese interact during the period of the Vietnam War, as well as examining both countries’ policies after the war’s conclusion as well as the friction between their strategic interests. At the same, Sino-Vietnamese relations also interacted with the Sino-Soviet-US strategic triangle. This thesis attempts to organized view Vietnamese and foreign scholarly literature towards the development of Sino-Vietnamese relations from 1975 to 1991.


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