  • 學位論文


Development of wireless sensor network system for scaffold disaster prevention

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


無線感應網路(WSN)為近年來新興科技中的關鍵技術,具有體積小、成本低及耗電量低的優點。與傳統的有線傳輸監測有別,無線傳輸技術不需規畫管線及感測器的安裝與設置問題,相較於有線傳輸,僅需考慮電源供應、網路建立與資料收取之穩定性。配合適當感測器,大量安裝於環境中,可以即時提供所需的資訊。 施工架為營造業施工時使用最大量之施工設備,由於其數量相當多,管理不易,導致相關職業災害時有耳聞。根據行政院勞動部於102年公布之統計資料,營造業職災死亡人數占所有產業之一半,其中民國94 至100 年間,死亡人數以施工架為媒介物之職災死亡人數已達139 人,平均每年佔了全營造業之13%。 因此為了保障工地中施工架使用者之安全,本研究將無線感測技術導入營造業中,建置一施工架倒塌之無線監控系統及設備,以檢測施工架之安全性及可靠度。除導入無線傳輸技術WSN外,本研究同時結合拉線式位移計、應變計及顏色辨識模組,發展一套多項目之即時施工架監測無線傳輸系統,以期在有效監控施工架之安全性的同時,達到佈署快速、成本低廉、遷移便利的優勢。除了監測設備硬體之開發與韌體撰寫,另外已Labview軟體編譯接收介面與資料庫存取分析程式,以轉換數位訊號封包為感測器所測得之應變與位移數據同時呈現與使用者,並將數據存於主機資料庫以便後續之分析處理。本研究實測部分除了在室內進行校正與測試,另於實際工程現地進行戶外實測,測試地點為冠德建設位於台北市三重區之建案冠德天驕,並將戶外測試所得之數據進行分析,對施工架之應變與位移監測警戒值提出建議。


Wireless sensor technique does not need wire, it just needs to consider the power supply for establishing the network and receiving stable information, and it can become a monitoring system. It is different with the traditional monitoring technique which is limited with wired monitoring. In construction works, scaffold is the most commonly used equipment. However, the same scaffold equipment are used in various types of construction works repeatedly. Since to control and manage scaffold becomes more difficult, hazard happens frequently. According to the information announced by Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan, incomplete anti-falling protection and site collapse results in site accident more and more frequently, and it’s the main reason why construction industry occupational disasters happens. In order to ensure the reliability of scaffold, this study tends to build a wireless sensor monitoring system to detect the scaffold’s safety. This study applies WSN to scaffold monitoring. It integrates strain gauge and cable-displacement transducer technique in the system to develop a real-time monitoring data transfer mechanism. This study hopes to build a scaffold collapse monitoring system to monitor the safety of the scaffold effectively and provide advantages such as portable, installation time-saving and low-cost.


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