  • 學位論文


Food Safety Risk Management: From the Perspective of Co-regulation

指導教授 : 林明昕


過去我國食品法制,長期以來主要以主管機關上對下高權性質的指令,命令食品業者為一定行為,食品業者作為被管制者角色,配合主管機關要求,然而如此管制方式並沒有減少食品安全風險發生,反而因為食品安全風險不確定性,凸顯政府管制方式無法因應多變的食品安全風險。 連續發生食品安全事件,致使國家不得不正視與思考應當如何防止食品安全風險,以維護國民健康、保障人民知的權利、健康權。為了達成這些目的,國家依據憲法規定與保護義務要求,必須以積極作為控管食品安全風險。國家積極作為可以分別在管制時點與管制方式二方面體現。一方面納入預防原則思維,使管制時點提前,使食品安全風險控管由危險防禦走向風險預防;另一方面改變傳統政府管制方式,強調食品業者自主管理重要性。本文依據法令規範內容,認為食品業者自主管理,乃是國家與食品業者合作共同管制體系一環,並且借鏡美國法與歐盟法之HACCP機制與食品追溯制度,重新建構我國理想之共同管制體系,並且檢視食品安全衛生管理法有關規定之缺失進而提出建議。希冀以此共同管制體系,解決食品安全風險。


In the past years, the food law of Taiwan allowed the competent authority to command the food businesses in certain behaviors. As a regulated role, the food businesses were asked to meet the requirements of the competent authority. However, instead of reducing the food safety risks, these kinds of regulatory measures only highlighted the defect of the statutory regulation. In other words, statutory regulation couldn’t deal with uncertainties food safety risks. Food safety incidents occurred in succession, which promoted the government into action. According to the Constitution and the protective obligation, the government should take actively action in both the control point in time and control method to prevent food safety risks in order to maintain the public health, protect people's right to know and the right to health. First, the control point in time could be moved up by using the precautionary principle, by doing so, it will make Taiwan’s food safety control system being able to aware of risk precaution instead of remaining in the idea of preventing danger only. Second, change the traditional way of statutory regulation and emphasize the importance of self-regulation in the food manufacturing industry. In my opinion, the self-regulation in the food manufacturing industry is a part of co-regulation by both government and food industries. This paper explores the possibilities to reconstruct the ideal model of co-regulation by referring to the U.S. law and EU law of HACCP-based systems and food traceability. The reconstructed model will be used to examine the biases and disadvantages in the food law, and the suggestions were proposed based on the research conclusion.


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洪德欽(2011),〈預防原則歐盟化之研究〉,《東吳政治學報》,29卷2期,頁 1-56。
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