  • 學位論文


Construction Progress and Productivity for Long Tunnels - Comparison of the Dongao Tunnel and the Guanyin Tunnel of the Suhua Highway Improvement Project

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


台灣地區因山多平地少,國內各項交通建設逐漸趨向山區,而隧道工程成為各項重大公共工程之施工要徑,如何提升隧道施工效率及生產力,實為重要課題。本研究選定目前國內所關注且正在進行中之重大公共工程建設─「台9線蘇花公路山區路段改善計畫」其中之東澳隧道及觀音隧道做為比較探討之對象,屬國內少數之長隧道工程分別長達3.4及7.9公里,兩隧道皆係採新奧工法設計理念,並以鑽炸工法(D&B)施工之案例。 本研究蒐集兩隧道上半斷面開挖進度及輪進各作業時間等資料作分析整理,並回顧相關歷史長隧道工程案例之文獻,並著重於隧道月開挖進度、隧道輪進時間、閒置時間、生產力等4個方面進行比較探討:以月開挖進度配合岩體類別、開挖方式及斷層位置討論兩標綜合性之整體施工效率,以輪進各作業項目時間逐一探討細部各工項施工效率,分析閒置時間之各項因素並提出改善方向,最後以施工速率除以契約單價得出生產力做較客觀之比較,並找出各項影響進度之差異原因及提出相對應之建議對策。另再與歷史文獻隧道資料比較探討國內隧道工程成長情形,並討論影響成長之原因,再藉由訪談隧道工程之業主、監造及承包商等相關人員,歸納各項原因最後提出相關結論與建議以作為後續推動長隧道工程施工之參考。


The traffic construction is developing towards the mountainous areas gradually because the area of mountain is much more then plain in Taiwan. Therefore, tunnel constructions have become the critical paths of major public constructions. The improvement of efficiency and productivity of tunnel construction has turned into an important issue. Two of the rock tunnel constructions in the ongoing and public-concerned project, “the Suhua Highway Mountainous Section Improvement Project”, are chosen to be the research subjects, which are the Dongao Tunnel and the Guanyin Tunnel. The lengths of the two tunnels are 3.4km and 7.9km respectively, which are the minority of long tunnels in Taiwan, and both of them are designed with the New Austrian Tunnel Method (NATM), and constructed with Drill and Blast Method (D&B). The excavation progress and the advance time for the top heading cut of the two tunnels were collected and analyzed in this study, and literature of relevant long tunnel projects was reviewed. In this study, the data including working time and excavation progress for the top heading cut of the two tunnels were collected and analyzed, and the literature of the relevant long tunnel project was reviewed. Four major aspects are aimed to carry out: the monthly excavation progress, the working time of tunnel advance, the idle time and the productivity. The monthly excavation progress were compared for comprehensive overall construction efficiency between the different rock types, the different excavation methods and the fault location. The working time of tunnel advance were analyzed for the details of construction efficiency. The idle time were carried out for the factors and the direction of improvement suggestions, and the productivities are compared for more objective oriented. By review the literature of the long tunnels to discuss the factors for the growth of the tunnel constructions. Finally, by the interview the project owners, supervisors and contractors to summarize the conclusions and recommendations for promoting the follow-up long tunnel constructions.


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